Imagine yourself as just being appointed the Chief Patient Experience Officer of your hospital. You have been charged by the board and CEO of the hospital to create a new systems approach for the hospital that will meet the patients needs, priorities and expectations in a manner that exemplifies the values of respect, compassion, justice, and community pride. Your plan should include a method of determining who the customer is, what the customer wants, how the hospital will meet those needs and desires, how you will measure customer satisfaction, and the data capture modalities you will use, such as qualitative or quantitative methods to obtain the information. Also, how you will communicate the results of this new program to the world.Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 10 slides in length that discusses your planned proposal. Each process should be outlined in 24 slides. Include detailed speakers notes that describe your program, which should include your answers to the questions below. Be sure to include references and citations from at least five sources. Your PowerPoint presentation needs to be visually appealing, to catch your audiences attention, as your goal is to promote your program to the health care organization groups and people attending.
This is the assignment: