A. Construct and include with the paper a multigenerational genogram of your family.
B. Genogram symbol resource http://courses.wcupa.edu/ttreadwe/courses/02courses/standardsymbols.htm
C. Briefly describe your family and narrate important points in the genogram.
D. Bowen theory has several inter-related theoretical points, including differentiation of self, triangles, family projection process, emotional cut-off, multigenerational transmission process and sibling position.
Apply 3 of these concepts to your family of origin, giving examples of how your family illustrates these theoretical points. Think about what is projected within the family, possibly tied to patterns of names, birth order, closeness of birthdays, physical characteristics (eye, hair, skin color). Cite your source or sources for the selected Bowen theory (Searight.pdf should be your primary source but www.thebowencenter.org may also be used or with other journal article or book sources).
E. In one paragraph to one page, comment on the applicability of an ethnocultural perspective on your family, drawing on a chapter relevant to your family’s ethnic background in McGoldrick’s Ethnicity and Family Therapy (see info below on how to access a chapter). If none of the chapters is relevant, or you choose another source, email me or talk with me.
F. Work on the relationship to our families is a life-long project. Family of origin therapy encourages differentiated but direct emotional engagement with family (an authentic person to person relationship). Write a paragraph or two about your intentions in the next year or so to work on your personal family of origin project. Some of us may be at a place where contact with family is not possible or desirable; in that situation, write about how you see yourself currently working internally and with non-family relationships on these issues.
Application to Practice (1-2 pages): Discuss how these family issues may impact your practice of social work (both helpful and hindering). Also consider how you observe family of origin dynamics in clients at your placement or work settings, and how a family perspective is included, or could be included in practices at the agency.
McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2005). Ethnicity and family therapy. New York NY: Guilford Press.
RC451.5.A2 E83 2005
Theory and application