Theoretical Perspective Conceptualization
Describe how (Aaron Beck), Cognitive Behavior Therapy theories conceptualize the client’s (Ms. Client), difficulties.
I Actual Core Issues
Identify Ms. Client’s issues as it relates to the Cognitive Behavior Therapy concepts
II. Theory-Based Description of the Underlying Causes of the Presenting Concerns
How Cognitive Behavior Theory interprets Ms. Client’s situation
III. Key Issues
Describe how key issues in this case would likely be addressed in therapy from the theoretical perspective and briefly describe the techniques used to address the key issues.
IV. Strengths and Weaknesses
Using the original research, what are the major constraints of this theory?- critical evaluation in terms of how I (the student) understand the model.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the theory in addressing Ms. Client’s case.
V. Why the Theoretical Perspective Fits the Clients
Discuss why I (student) believe the theoretical perspective would best fit the client’s (Ms. Client) problem and support my choice- interpretation of the choice
VI. Relevant Research Examining Counseling Treatment within Theoretical Approach
Identify relevant research that examines treatment of one or more of Ms. Client’s problems within the Cognitive Therapy model. Example: Cognitive Behavior Therapy on anger, emotional problems, ..etc.
• References must include “original” source citations for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This means you should read and cite the (Aaron Beck) theorist who developed parts of Cognitive Behavior Therapy approach and integrate this literature in your paper.
• Must also provide at least four (4) research journal citations of actual studies done with this (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) theory.
• Describe each cite study in at least one sentence. Internet references do not count (e.g. Wikipedia).