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– 7-8 research paper.

– third person prespictive 

– I got the thesis and introduction and the resources all in the documents bellow

– Just want someone to complete the work

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?    Revelation In General
?    Know the terms:
o    Revelation
o    Deposit of Faith
o    Natural Revelation
o    Theodicy
?    What is the relationship between theology and revelation??
?    What are the two sorts of truths that are revealed??
?    What is the difference between public and private revelation??
?    Does public revelation changes (is it added to, taken from, altered)??
?    What is the relationship between revealed and natural truth (e.g., can they contradict one another?)

?    Why or why not??
?    In what sense is what we know by revelation our most certain knowledge?

?    Revelation As Transmitted?
?    What are the two ways the deposit of faith is preserved?
?    Tradition?
o    What is the difference between ecclesial and Divino-apostolic tradition??
o    What is the relationship between the writings of the Fathers and Divino-apostolic tradition?
o    What are the three criteria by which we identify a Father of the Church?
o    Tertullian says ( Prescription Against Heretics, chap. 21), “We hold communion with the apostolic churches because our doctrine is in no respect different from theirs. This is our witness of truth.” What does this mean?
o    What does Tertullian say is the first question that must be proposed before interpreting Scripture to resolve a theological conflict?
?    What is inspiration??
?    What is required for a work to be inspired??
?    What does it mean to say that Scripture is inerrant??
?    What is the relationship between inspiration and inerrancy??
?    Who does the Church hold is the authoritative interpreter of Scripture??
?    What do we mean by “unanimous consent of the Fathers,” and how can it be important in Scriptural interpretation??
?    Why does Augustine say a Manichean can never use Scripture to convince him of those parts of Manichaeism that the Church rejects?

?    Magisterium?
?    Terms to know:
o    Magisterium?
o    Ordinary Magisterium?
o    Ordinary and Universal Magisterium
o    Extraordinary Magisterium
o    Ecumenical Council?
o    Ex Cathedra Statement?
o    Dogma?
o    Catholic Truth?
o    Theological Conclusion?
o    Dogmatic Fact?
o    Irreformable?
o    Infallible
?    What are the proximate and remote rules of faith??
?    Which exercises of the Church’s magisterium are infallible?
?    When is a pope’s statement infallible?
?    What is the development of doctrine??
o    Does the development of doctrine imply that:
?    Public revelation is on-going??
?    That the meaning of dogma changes??
?    That the Church can revoke her earlier infallible teachings??
?    That the Church can err in definitively teaching a matter of the faith?
?    Faith?
?    Is it possible to prove conclusively the contents of the faith?
?    Terms to know:
o    Heresy
o    Apostasy?
o    Preambles of the Faith
o    Motives of Credibility
?    The relationship between faith and reason:?
o    How does the Church say reason supports faith??
o    Can reason assist one in coming to faith? How??
o    Does reason alone suffice to make an act of faith??
o    Can faith and reason contradict one another??
o    What does the Church say contradictions between faith and natural knowledge?

?    What specifically has the Church taught about reason’s ability to know God unaided? On what passage of the New Testament is this teaching based?

?    According to St. Thomas, is our knowledge that God exists self-evident to us (such that by understanding the meaning of the sentence ‘God exists’ we already understand that it is true)?

?    What is the beatific vision? How do those who are in the beatific vision know God?
?    How does this compare to the way we in this life know God??
?    Do the blessed (in the beatific vision) fully comprehend God?

?    How does our way of learning (in this life) impede our understanding and speaking of God?

?    What are the three ways (from pseudo-Dionysius) of knowing God’s attributes?
Distinguish simple perfections from mixed perfections.

?    Where, specifically, in Scripture does God give us His proper name? What was it? What does it mean?
?    What does it mean to say that God’s essence is His existence?

?    Ontologism–What did it teach? Why was it condemned?

?    Eunomianism–What did it teach?

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