Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence. Organize your
paper with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your
reader understand the logic of your organization. Edit your paper thoroughly to avoid errors
and to improve readability. Give your paper a title that reflects your argument.
Grading criteria:
Argument: 25% Does your paper have a clear, singular, specific argument that answers the question?
Evidence: 25% Do you use all of the relevant evidence to defend your argument?
Organization: 25% Does your paper have a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions?
Clarity: 25% Is your prose efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting spelling or grammatical errors?
12-pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced
1 margins
Citation in MLA or Chicago/Turabian Format
3 to 4 pages
Theodore Roosevelt has been called the first modern president; in what ways did he change the presidency?