Directions: Each response should be written in complete sentences.1. How are the Olympic Games symbolic of international business? Utilize sources of information (articles, internet sources, etc.) and describe two Olympics that had international controversies that resulted in bad publicity for the host country. Describe two Olympics that had no major international controversies and were considered major successes for the host country.2. Explain the difference among the terms multinational corporation, multinational enterprise, and multinational organization. Give at least three examples of each and explain briefly why you categorized it in that way.3. What is globalization? What are some reasons for globalizations rapid spread in recent years?4. Why is relevant for todays business students to study international business and to become culturally literate?5. Licensing, franchising, and management contracts are all forms of international business activity. Using examples, briefly define each form. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these forms of activity?6. Why has there been significant growth in international trade in the service sector? What role have emerging economies, such as India, played in this growth?7. Which country possesses the worlds largest economy? How important is international trade to the U.S. economy and why? Which country is the largest trading partner to the U.S.? Support your answers with information/data learned in the module.8. Define and discuss the concepts of perestroika and glasnost? How do these concepts relate to the Russian economy?9. In 2009, Singapores exports totaled 148% of its GDP. Briefly explain how this is possible.10. Why would a global firm most likely consider the Middle East a risky marketplace? As a global manager, how would you determine if the benefits in the Middle East outweighed the risks?11. As a global manager, why should you consider South Africa as a potential source for your firms future development?12. China has designated Hong Kong as special administrative region. How did this occur? What does this mean for Hong Kong? Be sure to address how this designation relates to international business concerns.13. What is the impact of income gaps in countries such as Brazil? How is the Brazilian government addressing these inequalities? Why are income gaps relevant to international businesses?14. Define/describe the common law system and the civil law system. What are some key differences between the two? What legal system is common in Germany, France, and Belgium? Why do manufacturers in these countries tend to stress their products quality over price?15. Explain the relationship among the terms nationalization, expropriation, and confiscation.16. What is the purpose of the principle of comity? What conditions are required under the principle of comity?17. What is a political risk? What are the three categories of political risks? What questions regarding political risk should a firm answer prior to entering a new market?18. What are some reasons that one country might impose sanctions on another country? Illustrate your answer with an example.19. When a dispute occurs in international commerce, what questions typically need to be answered to resolve the problem? Why do some firms often avoid litigation? What alternatives to litigation are available?SHORT ESSAYStep 1: In a 1-page essay, explain what is an emerging economy. Then provide examples of emerging economies.Step 2: Watch the video ( 3: Write a summary of the major concepts of the video and explain whether or not you agree with Leslies description of Chinas workers. Support your answer.Directions: Each response should be written in complete sentences.1. How are the Olympic Games symbolic of international business? Utilize sources of information (articles, internet sources, etc.) and describe two Olympics that had international controversies that resulted in bad publicity for the host country. Describe two Olympics that had no major international controversies and were considered major successes for the host country.2. Explain the difference among the terms multinational corporation, multinational enterprise, and multinational organization. Give at least three examples of each and explain briefly why you categorized it in that way.3. What is globalization? What are some reasons for globalizations rapid spread in recent years?4. Why is relevant for todays business students to study international business and to become culturally literate?5. Licensing, franchising, and management contracts are all forms of international business activity. Using examples, briefly define each form. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these forms of activity?6. Why has there been significant growth in international trade in the service sector? What role have emerging economies, such as India, played in this growth?7. Which country possesses the worlds largest economy? How important is international trade to the U.S. economy and why? Which country is the largest trading partner to the U.S.? Support your answers with information/data learned in the module.8. Define and discuss the concepts of perestroika and glasnost? How do these concepts relate to the Russian economy?9. In 2009, Singapores exports totaled 148% of its GDP. Briefly explain how this is possible.10. Why would a global firm most likely consider the Middle East a risky marketplace? As a global manager, how would you determine if the benefits in the Middle East outweighed the risks?11. As a global manager, why should you consider South Africa as a potential source for your firms future development?12. China has designated Hong Kong as special administrative region. How did this occur? What does this mean for Hong Kong? Be sure to address how this designation relates to international business concerns.13. What is the impact of income gaps in countries such as Brazil? How is the Brazilian government addressing these inequalities? Why are income gaps relevant to international businesses?14. Define/describe the common law system and the civil law system. What are some key differences between the two? What legal system is common in Germany, France, and Belgium? Why do manufacturers in these countries tend to stress their products quality over price?15. Explain the relationship among the terms nationalization, expropriation, and confiscation.16. What is the purpose of the principle of comity? What conditions are required under the principle of comity?17. What is a political risk? What are the three categories of political risks? What questions regarding political risk should a firm answer prior to entering a new market?18. What are some reasons that one country might impose sanctions on another country? Illustrate your answer with an example.19. When a dispute occurs in international commerce, what questions typically need to be answered to resolve the problem? Why do some firms often avoid litigation? What alternatives to litigation are available?SHORT ESSAYStep 1: In a 1-page essay, explain what is an emerging economy. Then provide examples of emerging economies.Step 2: Watch the video ( 3: Write a summary of the major concepts of the video and explain whether or not you agree with Leslies description of Chinas workers. Support your answer.
The Worlds MarketplacesThe Worlds Marketplaces