The Vigenre Cipher is an encryption algorithm that combines the use of a keyword with the message to be encrypted. A tableu is provided that provides an encrypted character for each combination of characters in the message and the keyword.To prepare for this Application Assignment, readChapter 4, Cryptography and Technical Information Systems Security, from your course textbook, Principles of Information Security.Using the Vigenre Tableu encryption scheme with a keyword of KEYWORD, encrypt the following message:
IS INFORMATION SECURITY ESSENTIALAfter encrypting the message, decrypt the following message, using KEYWORD as the keyword:
YRJUW WWRIG JTFUW ERECE LCMKL CIWKR RFor both the encryption and decryption, show your work in the Microsoft Word document to substantiate the result. For this, you should create two different tables. The first table will have 3 rows and 30 columns. Each column will correspond to an individual character. The first row will correspond to the keyword characters. The second row will correspond to the message to be encrypted. The third row will correspond to the encrypted message.The second table will have 3 rows and 31 columns. Each column will correspond to an individual character. The first row will correspond to the keyword characters. The second row will correspond to the message to be decrypted. The third row will correspond to the decrypted message.
Resources Overview
During Week 2, you will use a variety of resources, both required and optional, including selections from the course textbook, and an animation that demonstrates how TCP/IP packets may be encrypted and decrypted, as well as passed through a firewall. You will be reading chapter selections from the course textbook, Principles of Information Security by Dhillon. The Weekly Schedule (a navigation link under Week 2), outlines the resources you will need to complete the Discussion, Application Assignment, and Group Project.
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this weeks assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.
Video: Week 2 OverviewNote: The approximate length of this media piece is 15 minutes.This video provides an introduction to the weeks resources and assignments.
Course Text: Principles of Information Systems Security
Chapter 4, Cryptography and Technical Information Systems Security
Chapter 4 discusses cryptography, cryptanalysis, and different encryption algorithms. The algorithms include encryption to authenticate the sender and to guarantee that the message was not altered in transmission.
Course Text: Principles of Information Systems Security
Chapter 5, Network Security
Chapter 5 discusses the TCP/IP architecture for transmitting packets over networks, such as the Internet. Securing computers that are able to be accessed from the Internet requires more work than securing computers within a LAN, since the users are not all known.
Web ResourceData Encryption Standard (DES)
View this Web site to learn more about the Data Encryption Standard (DES). This cipher has been adopted as an official US Federal Information Processing Standard in 1977.
Web ResourceOpen PGP Alliance
The Open PGP Alliance Web site presents information about the group of companies and other organizations that are implementers of the OpenPGP Proposed Standard. The Alliance works to facilitate technical interoperability and marketing synergy between OpenPGP implementations.
Web ResourcePhil Zimmermann
Philip R. Zimmermann is the creator of PGP. PGP was originally designed as a human rights tool and was published for free on the Internet in 1991. This made Zimmermann the target of a three-year criminal investigation, because the government held that US export restrictions for cryptographic software were violated when PGP spread worldwide. Read more about Phil Zimmermann and PGP.
Interactive Media
Permeating a firewall requires checking rules in the firewall to ensure the packet is able to pass through a specific port bound for a computer inside the firewall. If the rules of the firewall do not allow the packet to pass, the packet is dropped without being transmitted to the other side. Use this learning tool to understand the importance, mechanics and effects of a variety of rules.
Rubrics in Table FormatWeek 2 Application: Vigenre Cipher
(4 Points) Exceptional, complete, clear, exceeds performance indicators
(3 Points) Excellent, complete, meets performance indicators
(2 Points) Approaching performance indicators, missing some detail, not fully developed
(1 Point) Developing competence, vague, weak, needs more detail
(0 Points) Not present
Points Earned
Encryption The document includes a message that has been correctly encrypted using the Vigenre Tableau with a keyword of KEYWORD.
Showed Work for Encryption-A table, with the correct number of rows and columns is shown as an example of the proof of the work that was done to encrypt the message.
Decryption The document includes the message that was decrypted using the Vigenere Tableau with a keyword of KEYWORD.
Showed Work for Decryption -A table, with the correct number of rows and columns is shown as an example of the proof of the work that was done to decrypt the message.
The Vigenre Cipher