1 What are some vaccination risks? Essay Topic #2 What are some risks of not getting vaccinated? Essay Topic #3 What are some religious or philosophical reasons parents state that exempt their children from vaccines? Essay Topic #4 Through a published schedule and set of guidelines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health officials recommend that every child receive certain vaccinations by age 6. What are the benefits of this recommendation to public health officials, to the community and to other children? Essay Topic #5 What are the recommended vaccinations a child must receive by the age of six? Essay Topic #6 What are some reasons parents decide not to vaccinate their children? Essay Topic #7 What are some reasons parents decide to vaccinate their children? Resources Information on How Vaccination Works: How Do Vaccines Work? The American Academy of Pediatrics provides a brief overview of how vaccination protects the body from disease. Information About Specific Diseases: Vaccines and Preventable Diseases The Centers for Disease Control list desrptions of diseases for which there are vaccines, including their causes, symptoms and transmission. Vaccine-preventable Diseases The Immunization Action Coalition provides informative Q&A sheets about specific diseases, with videos, photos, case histories and vaccine information.
The Vaccine war Academic Essay