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Write a 1500 word feature article on the topic developed in part c of assignment one.
So, Please refer to the document assignment 1 PART C. and develop base on PART C of assignment 1.It must feature interviews with at least three people and at least three secondary sources woven into the story, interview can be through email, or make it up yourself but not to be found out by my lecturer.Assignment 2
Assignment 2 Due October 3
1500 word feature article based on assigned government report
Score out of 50
Write a 1500 word feature article on the topic developed in part c of assignment one. You will be assessed on content, research and relevance to the report you were allocated. It must feature interviews with at least three people and at least three secondary sources woven into the story (rather than referenced in academic style).
An example of weaving secondary sources into your story (rather than academic references) is: A High Court ruling on Blah Blah made in June last year, supported the overall recommendations that were made in the report hearings. NOT A High Court ruling www.highcourtblahblah.com.duk. supported the overall recommendations that were made in the report hearings.
Or: In his book The End is Near, Mr Nobody said euthanasia was a right every human deserved. NOT Euthanasia was a right every human deserved, Nobody, 2016, The End is Near, Pan MacMillan.
Overall grammar and syntax will be taken into account across the entirety of the assignment, as will the feature writing style of the article. Your quality of sources, quality of research undertaken, and overall story structure will be taken into account.
You will be scored on:
Feature story newsworthiness, content and relevance to the government report allocated by your tutor. 20 points (40%)
Feature writing style and article structure. 20 points (40%)
Overall grammar and spelling. 10 Points (20%)
the topic developed in part c of assignment one