The token Economy
cf-.~.=.ile.-iiges began to seem a little more difficult than team, or is there room for a great deal of
1: had expected. variation?
3. What would ou do about the robleni Carol
1. What do you think of Jim Forrest’s approach to ,Y P
Cooke poses. Do employees-even trained
the pOSl1.’lOI1 of program administration? What
professionals-need clearer behavioral guidelines
are his strengths and weaknesses in dealing Wlth h .d d)
his new leadershi osition? t an Forrest pmvl C
P P 4. Do you think Forrest has the potential to be
If you were Forrest, what would you do about
more effective than the busiiiess-oriented profes-
the problem Hugh Schmidt s attitude poses? Is it . g
sional managers he had encountered before.
necessary for the staff to work as a closely knit
The token Economy