The story:
Pick THREE of the questions posted below and respond critically to each of them (3).
Use details from the story to back up your claims. You will need to adhere to MLA in-text citation rules.
Questions for Discussion on Cathedral
1. Is the narrator a sympathetic protagonist? Does our opinion of him change as the story progresses?
2. What does the narrator learn from his encounter with Robert? Do you believe that there will be a significant change in his outlook from this point on?
3. What is the significance of Carvers choice of a cathedral as catalyst for the narrators learning experience? What added dimension does this symbol bring to our understanding of the story? Can you tie it to any previous detail?
4. Contrast the authors tone and the narrators mood at the opening of the story with the tone and mood at the end. How does the change in style reflect the change that has occurred in the narrator?
5. What is the narrators attitude toward his wife? What kind of marriage do they have, and what evidence do you find to support your conclusion? Is the narrators jealousy of Robert irrational?
6. What are the primary emotions displayed by the narrator throughout, and how can we understand them in terms of the life he leads? What are some adjectives you would use to characterize him? What role does alcohol play in his life?
7. What is it about Robert that unsettles the narrator? How do his appearance and bearing resist every stereotypical image the narrator has about blind people, and why is this so upsetting?Need aProfessionalWriter to Work on this Paper?
The story: