The role of vitamin D in prevent and control type 2 diabetes among adultsPaper details:
Introduction: including background, rational about the topic and the aim of this study, which is demonstrating the relation or the impact of/ between vitamin D and glycemic control and improve HBA1C among diabetic adult patients. (words: 1000)
Methadology: how I did this research e.g. using Pupmed website, Google scholar .. etc. keywords. type of articals e.g. cohort study … etc. ( words: 500-600)
Results: most important findings from the articals that is related to the aim of my study ( for each artical sholud write: type of artical, number of sample, time of follow up, most important findinges). you can put the information in a table. (words:1000- 1500)
Discussion: disscus the articals clearfy the strong and limitations of the study. present my opinion on the outcome and support it by other study ( critical evaluations) if there is any debate. if the finding significant or not expline why and how vit D is important for diabetic patients how it impact on blood glucose to what extend vit D impact on blood glucose and HBA1C and improve blood glucose level. illustrate the adverse effects of vit D deficiency on diabetic patients. (words: 2500)
conclusion: summary for the research and my opinion, suggestion and recommendition. (words: 250-300)
research words: (4500-5000)
number of sources may be more may be less than 30. it better if most of the references are recent e.g. from 2000- 2016
In the attachment file you can find an example for style and research method which I want from one of my research that I did
The role of vitamin D in prevent and control type 2 diabetes among adults