Complete and submit a report about a real/specific human resource issue or challenge that exists in an organisation of your choice, including recommendations about how to prevent, manage or resolve this issue. The human resource issue or challenge needs to fit within one of the following topic areas from this subject: The role of technology in enabling HRM Bullying and Harassment Realignment and restructuring Work-Life Balance Competitive advantage Australian HR issues within a global context Your submission should include the following sections: Table of contents (not included in word count) Introduction (about 300 of 2000 words) briefly introduce your submission by summarising: which organisation you are focusing on your relationship to this organisation why you chose this particular organisation what the issue or challenge is and which of the topic areas above that the issues fits into Organisation (about 100 of 2000 words) provide a brief overview of the organisation you have selected. Human Resource Issue or Challenge (about 500 of 2000 words) in this section, explain: the human resource issue or challenge Charles Sturt University Subject Outline HRM320 201660 W D-7 June 2016-Version 1 Page 15 of 27 why this is a challenge how or why this fits into the particular HR area you have selected, and any relevant theory, practice, examples or definitions that are relevant to this section. Recommendations (about 1000 of 2000 words) detail your original recommendations to reduce, prevent, manage, or resolve the human resource issue or challenge that you are focusing on within the context of this organisation. This section should include any relevant theory, practice, examples or definitions that are relevant to your recommendations. Conclusions (about 100 of 2000 words) briefly wrap up your submission in a final paragraph. References (not included in word count calculation) Appendixes (optional, not included in word count calculation)
The role of technology in enabling HRM Bullying and Harassment Realignment and restructuring Work-Life Balance Competitive advantage Australian HR issues within a global context