Details of Assessment | |||
Term and Year | 3, 2016 | Time allowed | Week 2-7 |
Assessment No | 2 | Assessment Weighting | 40% |
Assessment Type | Project | ||
Due Date | Week No. 8 | Room |
Details of Subject | |
Qualification | FNS40615 Certificate IV in Accounting |
Subject Name | Subsidiary accounts & Ledgers |
Details of Unit(s) of competency | |
Unit Code (s) and Names | FNSACC302 Administer Subsidiary Accounts and Ledgers |
Details of Student | |||
Student Name | |||
College | Student ID | ||
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. | Signature: ___________________________
Date: _______/________/_______________ |
Details of Assessor | ||||
Assessor’s Name | ||||
Assessment Outcome | ||||
Results |
Competent Not yet competent
Marks | / 40 | |
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements: |
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights and reassessment procedure.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ |
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
Student did not attend the feedback session. Feedback provided on assessment.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ |
Purpose of the Assessment | |||
The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning elements and performance criteria of the unit: |
Assessment task 2 | Competent (C) | Not yet competent
(NYC) |
1. Review accounts receivable process |
1.1 Check receipts entered into accounts receivable system for accuracy, consistency and thoroughness
1.2 Identify and accurately record incorrect entries according to type and source of receipt |
Project | ||
1.3 Identify and investigate discrepancies between monies owed and monies paid according to organisational policy, procedures and guidelines
1.4 Amend receipts entered into accounts receivable System according to established procedures |
Project | ||
Element 2: Identify bad and doubtful debts |
2.1 Regularly review debtor ledger in accordance with organisational policy and guidelines to identify outstanding monies and seek further information, if required, from relevant sources
2.2 Verify bad or doubtful debt status through liaison with debtors 2.3 Complete reporting procedures and appropriate documentation for bad and doubtful debts in accordance with organisational policy and guidelines |
Project | ||
Element 3: Review compliance with terms and conditions and plan recovery action |
3.1 Correctly identify clients in default of trading terms according to organisational operating procedures, and promptly and courteously contact to make satisfactory arrangements to pay outstanding monies
3.2 Action organisational policy and procedures for monies owing that constitute breaches of organisational credit policy 3.3 Thoroughly review previous activities and communication with clients to establish adequacy of follow-up procedures and determine whether all usual organisational recovery avenues have been exhausted 3.4 Develop plans to pursue debt recovery or to initiate legal action with measures to collect monies completed in accordance with organisational policy, guidelines and timelines |
Project | ||
Element 4: Prepare reports and file documentation |
4.1 Prepare reports which document accounts receivable, debt recovery type, cause and recovery plan, and distribute to supervisors, managers and other relevant parties
4.2 Promptly file documentation in accordance with organisational policy and procedures |
Project | ||
Element 5: Distribute creditors invoices for authorisation | |||
5.1 Identify, investigate and rectify invoice discrepancies and encode and record invoices correctly
5.2 Request authorisation for payment from appropriate personnel |
Project | ||
Element 6: Remit payments to creditors
6.1 Correctly draw up and ensure authorisation of cheque requisition and identify correct general ledger to draw against
6.2 Debit correct account in timely manner and in accordance with legislative and compliance requirements 6.3 Prepare creditor payments in accurate manner |
Project | ||
Element 7: Prepare accounts paid report and reconcile balances outstanding | |||
7.1 Collect data and enter onto spreadsheet, giving details of creditors and amounts paid, and prepare report for ratification by appropriate management
7.2 Obtain statements of outstanding balances from suppliers where required and reconcile balances outstanding to invoices received |
Project | ||
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions | |||
Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment. | |||
Resources required for this Assessment | |||
Instructions for Students | |||
Please read the following instructions carefully
· This assessment has to be completed In class At home · The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. · Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term. · Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. · If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. · Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook). |
Project ( 40 Marks)
Instruction for student:
This is an individual task. You need to prepare answers from the materials available at elearnings or you may use any web materials. You are required to prepare this task through questioning and active listening to clarify information and instructions with your supervisor (Your Trainer), and for approval and preparation of task 2. You must prepare Task 01, Task 05, Task 06 & Task 07 using spreadsheet application.
You are a new Accounts Clerk of Sydney Tourist Pty Ltd which is a Tours and Accommodation service provider. They sell Tours and Accommodation on credit and cash to their customers. They buy the tours and accommodations from IBIS Hotels and tours. All their transactions are based on the contracts with their customers and suppliers. Their credit term is 10% 7 days, net 30 days.
Sydney Tourist Pty follows the procedures to collect outstanding money from its customers and any uncollectable money will be treated as Bad debt after 90 days of the actual sales date.
They store all their corresponding documents in their Finance folder in PDF format.
As per their company rules and guidelines all cheques and EFT payments must be signed off by their Finance manager and the sales manager.
However, only the Finance manager is authorised to write off any uncollectable money as Bad Debt.
Sydney Tourist Pty has just signed off below two contracts
Contract 1: On 1st May 2014 Sydney Tourist Pty Ltd organised two hotel rooms for customer J Hood for $2200 (GST Incl) on credit for 2 days. Customer will pay the bill within 30 days
Contract 2: Sydney Tourist Pty Ltd booked those two hotel rooms at IBIS Gold Cost for $1900 (GST Incl). IBIS allowed Sydney Tourist Pty to pay this bill within 20 days
They have stored both contracts on the sales manager’s desk top.
Invoice Discrepancies
– IBIS charged Sydney Tourist Pty $2100 (GST Incl) by mistake on invoice
– Sydney Tourist Pty also incorrectly charged $2350 to customer J Hood on
invoice ST007
Credit notes
– Sydney Tourist Pty issued credit note STCR007 to J Hood for $150
– IBIS issued credit note ISCR101 to Sydney Tourist Pty for $200
Task1: Please record the transactions in appropriate journals and ledgers
Sales Journal SJ
Date | Invoice No | Particulars | Folio (Ref) | Sales
Net GST |
GST Collected | Total Accounts Receivable |
Sales Return and Allowance Journal SRJ
Date | Credit No | Particulars | Folio (Ref) | Sales
Net GST |
GST Collected | Total Accounts Receivable |
Purchase Journal PJ
Date | Invoice No | Particulars | Folio (Ref) | Purchase
net GST |
GST Paid | Total |
Purchase Return and Allowance Journal PRJ
Date | Credit No | Particulars | Folio (Ref) | Sales
net GST |
GST Collected | Total Accounts Payable |
Task 2:
Prepare the procedure to identify bad debt and collect outstanding money before writing off as Bad Debt. Prepare a recovery action plan. Describe measures to collect monies and features of recovery plans.
Task 3:
How much discount could J Hood get if he paid the bill in within 7 days?
Task 4:
Have they followed the proper rules and guidelines to store the contracts? List and describe 3 acts relevant to Tourism Industry.
Task 5:
Prepare the journal entry to write off the receivable if this money classified as Bad debt.
Task 6:
List the items should be included in a creditors aging statement
Accounts Receivable Aging Report:
Dhaka Retail has offered credit to the following customers on terms which state full payment is required within 30 days. The subsidiary ledgers are shown:
Accounts Receivable Ledger of Dhaka Retail
Chittagong Traders
Supplier number: AR1
Date | Particulars | Folio | Debit | Credit | Balance |
Mar 14 | Sales | SJ1 | 1200 | 1 200 Dr | |
Mar 22 | Sales | SJ1 | 880 | 2080 Dr | |
Mar 31 | Bank | CR1 | 1200 | 880 Dr | |
Apr 10 | Sales | SJ1 | 400 | 1 280 Dr | |
Apr 17 | Sales | SJ1 | 780 | 2060 Dr | |
May 20 | Bank | CR1 | 400 | 1660 Dr |
Accounts Receivable Ledger of Dhaka Retail
Khulna Traders
Supplier number: AR2
Date | Particulars | Folio | Debit | Credit | Balance |
Mar 16 | Sales | SJ1 | 1500 | 1 500 Dr | |
Mar 24 | Sales | SJ1 | 980 | 2480 Dr | |
Mar 30 | Bank | CR1 | 1500 | 980 Dr | |
Apr 12 | Sales | SJ1 | 500 | 1 480 Dr | |
Apr 18 | Sales | SJ1 | 780 | 2260 Dr | |
May 22 | Bank | CR1 | 500 | 1760 Dr |
Task 7:
Prepare the aged debtors report for Dhaka Retails as at 31 May 2014.
Dhaka Retails
Aged debtors report as at 31 May 2014.
Debtor | Folio | Total | Current
(May) |
30 days (Apr) | 60 days (Mar) | 90 days and over |
Marking Criteria
- Each task contains 5 marks
- Oral communication in task 2 contains 5 marks
Trainer to Check
- Student consulted and communicated with trainer for all tasks
- Student communicated and got approval for task 02
- Task 01, 05, 06 & 07 completed in spreadsheets
- Completed all tasks
Details of Assessment Term and Year 3, 2016 Time allowed Week 2-7 Assessment No 2 Assessment Weighting 40% Assessment Type Project Due Date Week No. 8 Room Powered by WordPress | Designed by: Premium WordPress Themes | Thanks to Themes Gallery, Bromoney and Wordpress Themes