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The purpose of these papers is to draw attention to your local community regarding topics affecting its’ residents. Ultimately you will present an educational class but for the purposes of this assignment your initial goal, as a Family Life Educator is to begin a simple campaign to expose the community to the following subjects through a newsletter or a general letter to the community.

The purpose of these papers is to draw attention to your local community regarding topics affecting its’ residents. Ultimately you will present an educational class but for the purposes of this assignment your initial goal, as a Family Life Educator is to begin a simple campaign to expose the community to the following subjects through a newsletter or a general letter to the community.

Part I: Background (minimum of 1 page, Double Spaced).  This is a preface to the newsletter/other presentation format and should be written in a normal paper format.
1.    Personal Reaction: What was your immediate reaction to the information presented?  Had you considered this topic before? If this topic was not an assignment, is it a topic you find relevant and would attempt to further understand/teach?

2.    What policies are you recommending to introduce/change within the community

3.    What theoretical perspective would you use in developing your program and how would you educate the average citizen?  Explain why you chose this theory and provide at least one example of an application of theory to practice (you may use a theory outside those presented in our book).

Part II: The Presentation of Materials (no longer than 1-2 pages; 2 pages if double spaced, or if several photos are used)
1.    Present your information in the form of media such: as a newsletter, a TV/radio commercial, a brochure or a letter to the community.  Remember, people are busy, so consider what is the best way to grab their attention.

2.    Information is to be designed with a general audience in mind. Therefore you will need to define some terminology and include examples to your presentation.

3.    Include citations (minimum of two in addition to the book and the information given to you) to sources in the text of the document as well as a full reference list at the end of the paper using APA style (6th edition).  The references must be peer-reviewed academic sources from 2006 to present.

4.    The media chosen is to be graphically and visually appealing.  Be cautious however and do not substitute pictures and graphics for information – you will be graded mostly on the content of the information presented, so use graphics and pictures sparingly (i.e., be sure you have at least one page of single spaced written information if using a traditional looking brochure or newsletter)


Sources /articles to review: Use these sources because it is supposed to be a community nearby me-thanks

1.    http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2014/07/22/teens-rescued-in-denton-county-human-trafficking-sting/

2.    http://ntdaily.com/sex-trafficker-to-be-tried-in-denton-county/

3.    http://cw33.com/2014/07/24/busted-sex-trafficking-ring-in-denton-county/

4.    http://www.timpowers.com/Blog/2014/May/Human-Trafficking-in-Dallas-Law-Offices-of-Tim-P.aspx

5.    http://inpublicsafety.com/2014/07/organized-crimes-involvement-in-sex-crimes-and-human-trafficking/

6.    http://www.soroptimist.org/trafficking/faq.html

Book: Understanding Human Sexuality; 12th edition
By janet Hyde and John Delamater


Grading Rubric for Parenting Advocacy Papers (30 points per paper)

Part I: Background (minimum of 1 page, Double Spaced).  This is a preface to the newsletter/other presentation format and should be written in a normal paper format.
_____5 points        Assessment of personal viewp01oint
_____5 points        List of policies to assist parents
_____5 points        Inclusion of and clear understanding of appropriate theory.

Part II: The Presentation of Materials (no longer than 1-2 pages; 2 pages if double spaced, or if several photos are used)

_____10 points    Use of journal articles. Quality, accurate information and
writing on the assigned parenting issue. Accurate resources prepared using APA style throughout the paper.
_____5 points    Visually and graphically appealing.  Editing including spelling,
writing, grammar, punctuation, and flow of paper is evident.

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