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The only way is ethics

The only way is ethics – Story – Draft 1

Question  1
Are confidentiality and privacy the same thing?
a.    TRUE
b.    FALSE
Answer: confidentiality is a matter of ethic, while privacy is appearing in common low.

Question 2
A colleague who is missing from work is calling you and asks you to send some work email/files on behalf of him. He is willing to provide you his credentials (either for work email address or Active Directory account). How do you react?
a.    You accept immediately since he must perform his duties even if he is missing from work.
b.    You accept the request since it is urgent and doesn’t support any delay.
c.    You accept the request, but you keep in mind to talk with the Team Manager.
d.    You think to accept, but you first want to read again the security policies.
e.    You reject this request since you don’t want to break any rule (ethical, internal policy).
f.    You go instantly to Team Manager and explain the situation.
g.    You ask him his written permission about this request.
a.    And  b. These could be the right answer, but only from a moral/fellowship manner.
C and d. from a scale from 1 to 10, this is evaluated to 5. So guess again for full credit.
e. This is the correct answer. A typical situation that shows the difference between moral and ethical.
f. and g. Any of these would be nice as theatrical effects, but no more than that.

Question 3
You notice there is significant discrepancy between a legal aspect and an ethical aspect towards the same matter. You can’t release from responsibility, since the situation requires your immediate action. What implication you will follow?
a.    Ethical, because ethic principles are above all rules.
b.    Legal, because nobody is beyond the law.
c.    You call directly the Ethical Commission from your organization.
d.    You talk with IT Security responsible with respect to legal issue, no matter which the ethic guideline would be.
a.    The answer is true; however it is not the most dictating feature from your workplace.
b.    Correct! How did you guess? By using heart or mind?
c.    This is correct, but worthless- remember: you need to act immediately.
d.    See the answer to part c. Reload.

Question 4
Do you agree that your entire activity within the workplace to be monitored without being announced in advance or without writing this into initial contract you sign at employment?
a.    NO, because I have the right to privacy.
b.    YES, since there is not any legal infringement on employee’s side to do this.

a.    It is true; but the legal framework and ethical reasons can be two parallel lines after all. Think again by using your mind. This is not about the fight between Good and Evil.
b.    Correct! Did you read any guideline about this or did you guess by chance?

Question 5
Are morality and ethics the same thing in computers’ world?
a.    NO
b.    YES
c.    Both overlap in most parts.
d.    Both overlap in some parts.
e.    None of them must be taken into account if the organizational policies sustain different thing.

a.    No: think about gaming: it is moral to help a friend cheating in a game, but this would never be ethical no matter which policy we might choose. So yes, this is the right answer!
b.    See above. Reload.
c.    50%-50%: this is a matter of probability; thus this answer is half right only.
d.    How can be quantified the number of situations when it is MOST or it is SOME overlapping? Simple: it can’t! Thus the answer is wrong. No logical reason? Reload.
e.    This is a right answer, too. However, you must wonder what kind of organizations would be those!

‘Ethics Inspector’

Students on a 2nd year are given a task to work on software project on a general level. Therefore, student started working on their project. However, as a massive project it has to be done by group work. Each group should come up with different ideas in order to compete each other. Later, Students were split into their groups and started working on their projects. While student were working, the ethics inspector entered the classroom to ask and help students as he pass along to see their work. In a way of motivation the inspector tells the students that this will be done as puzzles, decision making etc. rather than question answer way. For instance, lets began with this question to make you think.

Q1 Are confidentiality and privacy the same thing?
a.    TRUE
b.    FALSE
Now some of you will think they are the same while others will say they are different. Now raise your hands up if you think that they are the same. Few students raised their hands, so the others agreed that confidentiality and privacy are different and they were right. Because the answer was confidentiality is a matter of ethic, while privacy is appearing in a common low. Great, your answer is right it means that you have a good background on the topic. Lets move on to the second question.

Q2 Alright now lets imagine that a colleague who is missing from work is calling you and asks you to send some work email/files on behalf of him. He is willing to provide you his credentials (either for work email address or Active Directory account). How do you react?

a.    You accept immediately since he must perform his duties even if he is missing from work.
b.    You accept the request since it is urgent and doesn’t support any delay.
c.    You accept the request, but you keep in mind to talk with the Team Manager.
d.    You think to accept, but you first want to read again the security policies.
e.    You reject this request since you don’t want to break any rule (ethical, internal policy).
f.    You go instantly to Team Manager and explain the situation.
g.    You ask him his written permission about this request.
I am sure that every one in this classroom has a different reaction. One student said I go to instantly to team manager and explain the situation. Another student agreed with him. Any of these would be nice as theatrical effects, but no more than that. So what other student reactions would be? A student said that he will reject is request since he don’t want to break any rule (ethical, internal policy). This is the correct answer. A typical situation that shows the difference between moral and ethical. Brilliant, this is a very good answer that I would like to here, I hope you all get the next question right.

Q3 Now I would like you as a group to think, you notice there is significant discrepancy between a legal aspect and an ethical aspect towards the same matter. You can’t release from responsibility, since the situation requires your immediate action. What implication you will follow?

a.    Ethical, because ethic principles are above all rules.
b.    Legal, because nobody is beyond the law.
c.    You call directly the Ethical Commission from your organization.
d.    You talk with IT Security responsible with respect to legal issue, no matter which the ethic guideline would be.
The first group answer was You call directly the Ethical Commission from your organization. This is correct, but worthless- remember: you need to act immediately. The second group answer was Ethical, because ethic principles are above all rules. This answer is true, however it is not the most dictating feature from your workplace. Third group answer was the same answer as the first group. The last group answer was Legal, because nobody is beyond the law. Correct! How did you guess? By using heart or mind? It is getting more challenging, now let me ask a question within the students of the last group.

Q4 Do you agree that your entire activity within the workplace to be monitored without being announced in advance or without writing this into initial contract you sign at employment?

a.    NO, because I have the right to privacy.
b.    YES, since there is not any legal infringement on employee’s side to do this.
Two students said NO, because we have the right to privacy. Their answer is true but the legal framework and ethical reasons can be two parallel lines after all. Think again by using your mind. This is not about the fight between Good and Evil. While the other two students said YES, since there is not any legal infringement on employee’s side to do this. Correct! Did you read any guideline about this or did you guess by chance? The following question is going to be for the two intelligent students.

Q5 Are computers and ethics the same thing in computers’ world?

a.    NO
b.    YES
c.    Both overlap in most parts.
d.    Both overlap in some parts.
e.    None of them must be taken into account if the organizational policies sustain different thing.
The first student answer was Both overlap in some parts.  How can be quantified the number of situations when it is MOST or it is SOME overlapping? Simple: it can’t! Thus the answer is wrong. No logical reason? I can give you another chance, his second answer was Both overlap in most parts. This answer is 50%-50%: this is a matter of probability; thus this answer is half right only. Lets see what the other student answer would be. The second answer was None of them must be taken into account if the organizational policies sustain different thing. This is right answer, however, you must wonder what kind of organizations would be those! I can give you last chance. His second answer was NO. No: think about gaming: it is moral to help a friend cheating in a game, but this would never be ethical no matter which policy we might choose. So yes, this is the right answer! You are such a clever boy. We are nearly done but this time the question goes to everyone in the classroom.

This assignment is about writing a storyline which will be a learning tool as a game in teaching computer software ethics although you don’t need any experience in computer science field. It is all about writing skills
This is considered a very important part of my last year project so I need to get it right as much as possible. Also it is an ongoing project therefore I need drafts to submit rather than full solution at the beginning.
Summer of my project:
The only way is ethics: Learning ethics for software engineering with a text-adventure game
The title says it all. Ethics and professional behavior are an important part of software engineering. However, teaching these parts of software engineering in an interesting and engaging way is not easy. This project will create a text-adventure game that students can play in order to learn about ethics in software engineering. An off-the-shelf language for encoding text-adventure games will be used; the trick in this project will be to create the narrative structure and puzzles that will enable players to learn about the ethical aspects of software engineering. At its simplest, this could be a hypertext game where choices for progression depend on ethical decisions; more challenging will be to present puzzles where the ethical action leads to progress through the narrative.
Possible deliverables are:
1. A review of ethics in software engineering that will lead to what the game will cover;
2. The narrative structure of the game;
3. The game itself;
4. An evaluation of the game (it going “viral” may be a form of evaluation).
So the only part we want for now is number 2 as I already took care of the others.
All the questions and the materials which will be covered are already done.
I will attach all the materials needed.
The objective now is to make a story around the questions.
In order to understand the objective it is important to have a look to similar game. Please play the game which I will provide because my game will be similar.
No experience in computer science field needed. The reason I suggested to have a look to the game is just because my game will look the same and to have a look of how the story supposed to be.
(Just press play now and have a look of how the story is written)

I will also provide a summary of my story and please make whatever needed to make it right.
Summary of the required story:
The storyline concerns a student of computer software engineer that is doing a group project with other students. And asked to attend a workshop regarding ethics in software engineering. The main character of the story is the Ethics inspector, who is supposed to visit the group to check how it is fairing on about the topic. The inspector is also expected to enhance the group’s understanding of software engineering ethics.

You can add whatever you want to the story as long as it includes the ethics inspector.
I will also attach a really simple example I made (I am not good writer though and that’s the reason I need help with it).
You can make it the same as my example with better English writing.

To do:
–    First have a look to the game I suggested
–    Read my example.
–    Find the questions should be covered.
–    Make a similar draft to mine for 5 questions which will be attached. It will not be marked but I will need to show it to my supervisor.
–    A simple narrative structure document.


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