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The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ninth Edition. Volume 2

DO NOT HAVE THE BOOK” The textbook is: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ninth Edition. Volume 2
Assignment 1
To complete the next assignment, read Voltaire’s Candide and Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.
After reading Gulliver’s Travels by Swift and Candide by Voltaire in your textbook, complete the written assignment.
DIRECTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT: Explain how the choices that the central characters make (in the two works) affect the quality of their lives. Provide one (1) full page of discussion with double spacing on each work. This means you must submit two (2) full pages with an equal amount of discussion on each work.
You must include ONLY YOUR ideas/writing (NOT the ideas/writing of literary critics/professionals). Do not include information from literary criticism! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in the college catalog.
Assignment 2
To complete this assignment, read Frederick Douglass’ Narrative in your textbook. Then summarize the events in Douglass’s life that lead to his freedom and success. Include two {2} FULL pages [DOUBLE SPACING] of discussion.

Then read the following chapters of Herman Melville’s Billy Budd, Sailor in your textbook. Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, & 29. Provide approximately two (2) pages (DOUBLE SPACING) of discussion on Billy Budd, Sailor. Include responses to each of the following questions in your writing. 1. What position aboard the Rights of Man does Billy have? 2. How does he enter military service? 3. How does Captain Graveling describe Billy? 4. What position does Billy have aboard the Bellipotent? 5. What is revealed about Billy’s background? 6. What is Billy’s talent? 7. What is Billy’s defect? 8. Where is the Bellipotent bound? 9. What has occurred at Spithead and later at the Nore? 10. Describe Captain Vere. 11. What characteristic of the captain is noticeable at times? 12. Why is so much description of Captain Vere provided? 13. What characteristics other than those of a sea officer does Captain Vere have? 14. Provide a thorough description of John Claggart. 15. What position does he hold? 16. What added to unfavorable surmise about Claggart? 17. Is there plausibility for the gossip? 18. What causes Claggart to be promoted? 19. Provide a description of the Dansker. 20. What warning does the Dansker give to Billy? 21. Does Billy believe the Dansker? 22. What incident occurs that convinces Billy that the Dansker’s advice to him is inaccurate? 23. What is “Natural Depravity?” 24. What is “impressment?” 25. Provide a summary of Chapters 19-29.

Read Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Then provide one (1) page (DOUBLE SPACING) of discussion on the literary work. Include responses to each of the following questions in your writing. 1. To what social class does Ivan Ilyich belong? What have been the major values in his life? Does each of his immediate family members share these same values? 2. What are the similarities between Gerasim and Ivan’s own remembered childhood? 3. What advantage is gained by presenting the funeral scene at the beginning of the story? 4. Describe the interview between the widow and Peter Ivanovich in section one (1). 5. What do the various doctors contribute to the story? Why does Ivan Ilyich compare them to himself and other lawyers? What is his wife’s attitude toward them? 6. What are Ivan Ilyich’s varying attitudes toward his pain? What is the relationship of his physical suffering to his mental states? Does his pain have any positive effects? 7. Is there any meaning to Ivan Ilyich’s screaming incessantly for three days? How does his son’s final visit cause him to stop? Does his feeling sorry and trying to ask forgiveness at the end reveal a new attitude? 8. What is the meaning of Ivan’s falling through the bottom of the “black sack” into the “light” and “joy” at the moment of dying? What had hindered him from falling through?

INCLUDE ONLY YOUR IDEAS! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in college’s catalog.

(REMINDER) All three responses are a total of five {5} pages.
Assignment 3
Read Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart. Compare the effects of colonialism on the characters in the two works. Provide two (2) pages of discussion, while making certain that you include an equal amount of discussion on each work.
You must include ONLY YOUR ideas/writing (NOT the ideas/writing of literary critics/professionals). Do not include information from literary criticism! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in college’s catalog.

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The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ninth Edition. Volume 2

DO NOT HAVE THE BOOK” The textbook is: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ninth Edition. Volume 2
Assignment 1
To complete the next assignment, read Voltaire’s Candide and Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.
After reading Gulliver’s Travels by Swift and Candide by Voltaire in your textbook, complete the written assignment.
DIRECTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT: Explain how the choices that the central characters make (in the two works) affect the quality of their lives. Provide one (1) full page of discussion with double spacing on each work. This means you must submit two (2) full pages with an equal amount of discussion on each work.
You must include ONLY YOUR ideas/writing (NOT the ideas/writing of literary critics/professionals). Do not include information from literary criticism! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in the college catalog.
Assignment 2
To complete this assignment, read Frederick Douglass’ Narrative in your textbook. Then summarize the events in Douglass’s life that lead to his freedom and success. Include two {2} FULL pages [DOUBLE SPACING] of discussion.

Then read the following chapters of Herman Melville’s Billy Budd, Sailor in your textbook. Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, & 29. Provide approximately two (2) pages (DOUBLE SPACING) of discussion on Billy Budd, Sailor. Include responses to each of the following questions in your writing. 1. What position aboard the Rights of Man does Billy have? 2. How does he enter military service? 3. How does Captain Graveling describe Billy? 4. What position does Billy have aboard the Bellipotent? 5. What is revealed about Billy’s background? 6. What is Billy’s talent? 7. What is Billy’s defect? 8. Where is the Bellipotent bound? 9. What has occurred at Spithead and later at the Nore? 10. Describe Captain Vere. 11. What characteristic of the captain is noticeable at times? 12. Why is so much description of Captain Vere provided? 13. What characteristics other than those of a sea officer does Captain Vere have? 14. Provide a thorough description of John Claggart. 15. What position does he hold? 16. What added to unfavorable surmise about Claggart? 17. Is there plausibility for the gossip? 18. What causes Claggart to be promoted? 19. Provide a description of the Dansker. 20. What warning does the Dansker give to Billy? 21. Does Billy believe the Dansker? 22. What incident occurs that convinces Billy that the Dansker’s advice to him is inaccurate? 23. What is “Natural Depravity?” 24. What is “impressment?” 25. Provide a summary of Chapters 19-29.

Read Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Then provide one (1) page (DOUBLE SPACING) of discussion on the literary work. Include responses to each of the following questions in your writing. 1. To what social class does Ivan Ilyich belong? What have been the major values in his life? Does each of his immediate family members share these same values? 2. What are the similarities between Gerasim and Ivan’s own remembered childhood? 3. What advantage is gained by presenting the funeral scene at the beginning of the story? 4. Describe the interview between the widow and Peter Ivanovich in section one (1). 5. What do the various doctors contribute to the story? Why does Ivan Ilyich compare them to himself and other lawyers? What is his wife’s attitude toward them? 6. What are Ivan Ilyich’s varying attitudes toward his pain? What is the relationship of his physical suffering to his mental states? Does his pain have any positive effects? 7. Is there any meaning to Ivan Ilyich’s screaming incessantly for three days? How does his son’s final visit cause him to stop? Does his feeling sorry and trying to ask forgiveness at the end reveal a new attitude? 8. What is the meaning of Ivan’s falling through the bottom of the “black sack” into the “light” and “joy” at the moment of dying? What had hindered him from falling through?

INCLUDE ONLY YOUR IDEAS! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in college’s catalog.

(REMINDER) All three responses are a total of five {5} pages.
Assignment 3
Read Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart. Compare the effects of colonialism on the characters in the two works. Provide two (2) pages of discussion, while making certain that you include an equal amount of discussion on each work.
You must include ONLY YOUR ideas/writing (NOT the ideas/writing of literary critics/professionals). Do not include information from literary criticism! See the penalty for academic misconduct (cheating) in college’s catalog.

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