the network and protocol processes1. OutlineThis assignment will test your knowledge with regard to the protocol stack, its working and packet headers. By the time you attempt this assignment, you should have a clear understanding of how packets are transmitted across the network. Please refer to the recommended text book for help with writing this technical report.2. The TaskDiscuss, in a report of 2000-2500 words, the network and protocol processes that occur in the network when you access X-Stream from a remote location, such as your home.How you address this question is essentially up to you, particularly as the details of the particular system you consider will vary. However MUST should include consideration of: Changes to packet headers as data traverses through the protocol stack andthrough the network.
The role of specific protocols in the context of the above task.
The processes that occur in the end systems with respect to the data.
What happens in the various parts of the network, as data travels between thehost and the X-Stream Server.You dont necessarily need to use wire-shark, but it might be useful to justify your statements with wire-shark screenshots. This is entirely up to you. You need to concentrate on the topics you learnt in the lab and the lectures. Describe the topics you learnt in context of the assignment. You need not consider in detail what happens in the Browser or Web Server.A good answer will demonstrate a clear and concise understanding of all the processes that occur and their inter-relationships. You may wish to structure your answer around the TCP/IP stack, but this is by no means the only approach. Similarly, you may wish to take a Top-Down or a Bottom-Up approach. You could cover the topic in a broad brush way and then discuss some aspects of it in more detail. The approach you take is up to you.3. What NOT to doAvoid writing about the basics about internet, network and generic facts. These will only use up your word count. We encourage you to dive-in to the task at hand. We dont want you to tell us what network protocols are. Rather, we want you to convince us that you have understood the processes involved. Keep it strictly incontext of the task given to you.4. Deadline :Sunday 25th May 2014You should submit your work to the Turnitin Drop Box in the home page for CCN on Blackboard. Late submissions will attract penalties of 5 marks per day.5. Unfair PracticesNote that Turnitin can be used as a plagiarism detector, and it will indicate whether material has been copied, from, for example, the WWW (but note that Turnitins detection processes are not limited to this). Any detected plagiarism, unfair practices including ghost-writing will attract the full consideration of the University processes for dealing with it. If you are unclear about this, you may wish to peruse The Leeds Met Little Book of Plagiarism, available in the Library and online at
You may also wish to look at to learn how to referencequotations correctly.11.Evaluate your ability to distinguish scientific, philosophical, religious, and speculative aspects in Pre-Socratic thought as well as your your ability to identify and explain the main characteristics of scientific understanding in Pre-Socratic philosophy(There gonna be check for plagiarism. This is an essay not a research, so it should have no more than 4% plagiarism)
The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate your ability to distinguish scientific,
philosophical, religious, and speculative aspects in Pre-Socratic thought as well as your
your ability to identify and explain the main characteristics of scientific understanding in
Pre-Socratic philosophy.
1. Create a document in the word processing program of your choice, but bear in
mind that you finalized document MUST be in Microsoft Word format (file
extension .doc or .docx) or rich text format.
2. Write an essay, in which you do the following:
a. Carefully explain in your own words the difference between scientific,
philosophical, religious, and speculative claims or explanations. Make sure to
be precise, thorough, and detailed. Your explanations should allow a reader
unfamiliar with the topic to fully understand both the similarities and the
differences between these types of claims or explanations (2-4 paragraphs,
approx. 200-300+ words).
b. For each type of explanation (scientific, philosophical, religious, and
speculative), provide one Pre-Socratic example and one original example of
your own (in contemporary thinking, for instance). For each example, carefully
explain the characteristics that make it a scientific, philosophical, religious, or
speculative claim or explanation (2-4 paragraphs, approx. 200-300+ words).
c. Carefully explain in your own words the notions of materialism, determinism,
reductionism, and empiricism (i.e. the characteristics of scientific inquiry).
Make sure to be precise, thorough, and detailed. You explanations should
allow a reader unfamiliar with the topic to fully understand these concepts
(2-4 paragraphs, approx. 200-300+ words).
d. For each of these concepts, provide one Pre-Socratic example and one
original example of your own (in contemporary thinking, for instance). For
each example, carefully explain the characteristics that qualify it as an
example of materialism, determinism, reductionism, or empiricism 2-4
paragraphs, approx. 200-300+ words).
Your essay should not contain any paragraph numbering or bullet points and
must be written in proper English (correct spelling and grammar, and appropriate
style) and correspond to MLA (Modern Language Association) formatting and
style guidelines. This assignment does not require any external resources. If
external resources are used (only to illustrate your own points), they must be
properly referenced, using MLA citation. Your essay will be checked for
plagiarism. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in a Failed
grade for the assignment or the course, at the instructors discretion. See
syllabus for details.
PHI 2010 Philosophy
Assignment 1 Pre-Socratic Philosophy
3. Save this document on your computers hard drive and/or removable media, and
always keep a back-up copy of your work.
4. Upload your finalized document to the Assignment 1 Uploader before the
assignment submission deadline. Your file MUST be in Microsoft Word format
(file extension .doc or .docx) or rich text format (file extension .rtf). No other file
formats will be accepted. Assignments MUST be submitted using a computer
and NOT from a tablet or smart phone. Do NOT use the Blackboard mobile
app to submit assignments.
Getting Help
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assignment, or if you need
additional feedback, it is your responsibility to see the instructor during office hours.
Your assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the Assignment 1 Rubric.
Due Dates
The finalized essay is due on the assignment submission due date specified in the
course calendar. The finalized essay MUST be uploaded to the Assignment 1 Uploader
in the correct file format (Microsoft Word or rich text format).
The due dates for this assignment will NOT be extended under any circumstances. You
will NOT be able to make up a missed assignment. If you wait until the last day (or
minute) to submit the assignment and encounter problems of any kind, there is nothing
that can be done. It is strongly suggested to submit the assignment early during the
availability period. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure proper hardware and software
configuration and reliable internet connection.
the network and protocol processes

the network and protocol processes

the network and protocol processes
1. Outline
This assignment will test your knowledge with regard to the protocol stack, its working and packet headers. By the time you attempt this assignment, you should have a clear understanding of how packets are transmitted across the network. Please refer to the recommended text book for help with writing this technical report.
2. The Task
Discuss, in a report of 2000-2500 words, the network and protocol processes that occur in the network when you access X-Stream from a remote location, such as your home.
How you address this question is essentially up to you, particularly as the details of the particular system you consider will vary. However MUST should include consideration of:
• Changes to packet headers as data traverses through the protocol stack andthrough the network.
• The role of specific protocols in the context of the above task.
• The processes that occur in the end systems with respect to the data.
• What happens in the various parts of the network, as data travels between thehost and the X-Stream Server.
You don’t necessarily need to use wire-shark, but it might be useful to justify your statements with wire-shark screenshots. This is entirely up to you. You need to concentrate on the topics you learnt in the lab and the lectures. Describe the topics you learnt in context of the assignment. You need not consider in detail what happens in the Browser or Web Server.
A good answer will demonstrate a clear and concise understanding of all the processes that occur and their inter-relationships. You may wish to structure your answer around the TCP/IP stack, but this is by no means the only approach. Similarly, you may wish to take a Top-Down or a Bottom-Up approach. You could cover the topic in a “broad brush” way and then discuss some aspects of it in more detail. The approach you take is up to you.
3. What NOT to do
Avoid writing about the basics about internet, network and generic facts. These will only use up your word count. We encourage you to “dive-in” to the task at hand. We don’t want you to tell us what network protocols are. Rather, we want you to convince us that you have understood the processes involved. Keep it strictly incontext of the task given to you.
4. Deadline :Sunday 25th May 2014
You should submit your work to the Turnitin Drop Box in the home page for CCN on Blackboard. Late submissions will attract penalties of 5 marks per day.
5. Unfair Practices
Note that Turnitin can be used as a “plagiarism detector”, and it will indicate whether material has been copied, from, for example, the WWW (but note that Turnitin’s detection processes are not limited to this). Any detected plagiarism, unfair practices including ghost-writing will attract the full consideration of the University processes for dealing with it. If you are unclear about this, you may wish to peruse “The Leeds Met Little Book of Plagiarism”, available in the Library and online at
You may also wish to look at to learn how to referencequotations correctly.
the network and protocol processes

the network and protocol processes
1. Outline
This assignment will test your knowledge with regard to the protocol stack, its working and packet headers. By the time you attempt this assignment, you should have a clear understanding of how packets are transmitted across the network. Please refer to the recommended text book for help with writing this technical report.
2. The Task
Discuss, in a report of 2000-2500 words, the network and protocol processes that occur in the network when you access X-Stream from a remote location, such as your home.
How you address this question is essentially up to you, particularly as the details of the particular system you consider will vary. However MUST should include consideration of:
• Changes to packet headers as data traverses through the protocol stack andthrough the network.
• The role of specific protocols in the context of the above task.
• The processes that occur in the end systems with respect to the data.
• What happens in the various parts of the network, as data travels between thehost and the X-Stream Server.
You don’t necessarily need to use wire-shark, but it might be useful to justify your statements with wire-shark screenshots. This is entirely up to you. You need to concentrate on the topics you learnt in the lab and the lectures. Describe the topics you learnt in context of the assignment. You need not consider in detail what happens in the Browser or Web Server.
A good answer will demonstrate a clear and concise understanding of all the processes that occur and their inter-relationships. You may wish to structure your answer around the TCP/IP stack, but this is by no means the only approach. Similarly, you may wish to take a Top-Down or a Bottom-Up approach. You could cover the topic in a “broad brush” way and then discuss some aspects of it in more detail. The approach you take is up to you.
3. What NOT to do
Avoid writing about the basics about internet, network and generic facts. These will only use up your word count. We encourage you to “dive-in” to the task at hand. We don’t want you to tell us what network protocols are. Rather, we want you to convince us that you have understood the processes involved. Keep it strictly incontext of the task given to you.
4. Deadline :Sunday 25th May 2014
You should submit your work to the Turnitin Drop Box in the home page for CCN on Blackboard. Late submissions will attract penalties of 5 marks per day.
5. Unfair Practices
Note that Turnitin can be used as a “plagiarism detector”, and it will indicate whether material has been copied, from, for example, the WWW (but note that Turnitin’s detection processes are not limited to this). Any detected plagiarism, unfair practices including ghost-writing will attract the full consideration of the University processes for dealing with it. If you are unclear about this, you may wish to peruse “The Leeds Met Little Book of Plagiarism”, available in the Library and online at
You may also wish to look at to learn how to referencequotations correctly.