The Legal Profession
1. Considering the steps in which an occupation becomes a profession, can you think of other professions that have followed this model?
2. What is your opinion of attorneys? In general, how do you feel about the legal profession?
3. Considering the low starting salaries of government-employed attorneys, would you consider attending law school to become a public defender or prosecutor?
4. Do you believe that attorneys charge too much, and, if so, should controls be placed on attorney’s fees?
5. Should the United States abolish the bar system, and, instead, allow graduates with a law degree to move directly into practice?
The Legal Profession

The Legal Profession

1. Considering the steps in which an occupation becomes a profession, can you think of other professions that have followed this model?
2. What is your opinion of attorneys? In general, how do you feel about the legal profession?
3. Considering the low starting salaries of government-employed attorneys, would you consider attending law school to become a public defender or prosecutor?
4. Do you believe that attorneys charge too much, and, if so, should controls be placed on attorney’s fees?
5. Should the United States abolish the bar system, and, instead, allow graduates with a law degree to move directly into practice?
The Legal Profession

1. Considering the steps in which an occupation becomes a profession, can you think of other professions that have followed this model?
2. What is your opinion of attorneys? In general, how do you feel about the legal profession?
3. Considering the low starting salaries of government-employed attorneys, would you consider attending law school to become a public defender or prosecutor?
4. Do you believe that attorneys charge too much, and, if so, should controls be placed on attorney’s fees?
5. Should the United States abolish the bar system, and, instead, allow graduates with a law degree to move directly into practice?