Topic: the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge
Order Description
Describe and discuss the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge.
The report should be 2000 words in length. Your report should be clearly structured, with an explicitly well-signposted structure, helping the development of the discussion and the presentation of the evidence. Selectivity and proportionality will be regarded as important aspects of your report. A short bibliography/references section must be included (outwith word length). Appendices are not required, although brief ones may be included (again, outwith word length).
Knowledge Management models should be referred with specific reference to Intellectual Capital models that highlight the Human Capital element. The significance of cultural rather than technical issues should be emphasised. Particular and actual organizations may be referred to in your report although you are encouraged to demonstrate a general understanding of the subject at this stage. There may be interesting distinctions to be made between size and type of organizations, and different sectors of the workplace.
Your report should be word-processed, carefully edited, presented on A4 pages (one side only, with left and right margins for marking), doublespaced, in type size no smaller than 10 point (recommended fonts are Times New Roman and Arial). Provide a front page with your name and class, course and module, title of assignment, and tutor’s name clearly marked.
the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge

the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge

Topic: the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge
Order Description
Describe and discuss the importance of Human Capital in relation to the management of organizational knowledge.
The report should be 2000 words in length. Your report should be clearly structured, with an explicitly well-signposted structure, helping the development of the discussion and the presentation of the evidence. Selectivity and proportionality will be regarded as important aspects of your report. A short bibliography/references section must be included (outwith word length). Appendices are not required, although brief ones may be included (again, outwith word length).
Knowledge Management models should be referred with specific reference to Intellectual Capital models that highlight the Human Capital element. The significance of cultural rather than technical issues should be emphasised. Particular and actual organizations may be referred to in your report although you are encouraged to demonstrate a general understanding of the subject at this stage. There may be interesting distinctions to be made between size and type of organizations, and different sectors of the workplace.
Your report should be word-processed, carefully edited, presented on A4 pages (one side only, with left and right margins for marking), doublespaced, in type size no smaller than 10 point (recommended fonts are Times New Roman and Arial). Provide a front page with your name and class, course and module, title of assignment, and tutor’s name clearly marked.