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The impact of single sex-classes on students

Topic: The impact of single sex-classes on students

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I need your help doing research paper. the professor is asking us to do it as subtasks.

I already give mu references and the thesis statement. next monday we should give her the outlines?

Monday the outlines are due, please I need it by Monday afternoon at least.

you should use those sources below that are already done, and you may add one ore two.

The essential question: Should boys and girls be in separate classrooms and does single-sex classes help them learn better?
Thesis: Students should be placed in single-sex classes instead of being in coeducational classes. Single-sex classes help avoid the impact of gender differences and have positive effects on the students.

1-Martino, Wayne. Mills, Martin. Lingard, Bob. (2005). Interrogating single-sex classes as a strategy for addressing boys’ educational and social needs. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 237–254.

2-Jackson, Carolyn. (2002). Can single-sex classes in co-educational schools enhance the learning experiences of girls and/or boys? An exploration of pupils’ perceptions. British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1.

3- Abd-arrahman, Wajeeh H. PH.D. Western societies are starting single-sex educational system.

4-Sax, Linda J, Ph.D. (2009). Women graduates of single-sex and coeducational high schools: Differences in their characteristics and the transition to college. The Sudikoff Family Institute for Education & New Media.

5-Bonomo, Virginia. (2010). Gender matters in elementary education research-based strategies to meet the distinctive learning needs of boys and girls. Educational Horizons, v88 n4 p257-264.
6-Kessels, Ursula. Hannover, Bettina. (2008). When being a girl matters less: Accessibility ofgender-related self-knowledge in single-sex andcoeducational classes and its impact on students’physics-related self-concept of ability. British Journal of Educational Psychology ,v78,p 273–289.
7-Price, Christopher D. (2011). Boys only: one co-educational primary school’s experience of a classroom for boys. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, v36, n9.

8-Sadowski, M. (2008). Who am I as a learner. In Adolescents at school (pp. 85-98). Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.

9-Neidlinger, Jennifer. (2011). XY needs in education.
10- Gurain, M., Stevens, K., & Daniels, P. (2009). Successful single-sex classrooms: a practical guide to teaching boys and girls separately . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from:http://books.google.com/books?id=VYazs0s3WLwC&printsec=frontcover


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