1. Literature reviews Frame the research question in the academic and/or policy debate; Discuss existing empirical evidence and theoretical debate and results on the topic; Organized by topics,not by papers 2. Methodology and tests Data description Modeling, in this part, a model SHOULD be set up. And at least 4 variables in the model. 10-year government bond yield and CDS spread must be used. Result analysis. Relate the results to previous works in the literature.

The euro debt crisis.

The euro debt crisis.
1. Literature reviews
Frame the research question in the academic and/or policy debate;
Discuss existing empirical evidence and theoretical debate and results on the topic;
Organized by topics,not by papers
2. Methodology and tests
Data description
Modeling, in this part, a model SHOULD be set up. And at least 4 variables in the model. 10-year government bond yield and CDS spread must be used.
Result analysis. Relate the results to previous works in the literature.
The euro debt crisis.

The euro debt crisis.
1. Literature reviews
Frame the research question in the academic and/or policy debate;
Discuss existing empirical evidence and theoretical debate and results on the topic;
Organized by topics,not by papers
2. Methodology and tests
Data description
Modeling, in this part, a model SHOULD be set up. And at least 4 variables in the model. 10-year government bond yield and CDS spread must be used.
Result analysis. Relate the results to previous works in the literature.