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The Effect of Self-Selecting Reading Materials on Reading Comprehension Skills of Saudi Undergraduate Learners

Research Question: What is the effect of self-selecting reading materials on reading comprehension skills of Saudi undergraduate learners? Thesis statement and the paragraph explaining it: Teaching EFL learners to read with a purpose can be difficult. It takes time to assist EFL learners determine a purpose before reading. The teachers should discover the methods to let the EFL learners spend more on reading. The objective of the research will examine the effect of self-selecting reading materials on reading comprehension skills of Saudi undergraduate learners. Description: The participants will be 100 Saudi undergraduate students. The participant’s age will be 18 to 25. Fifty students will be selected to the experimental group. Fifty students will be selected to the control group. The tool: There will be reading comprehension pre-test and post-test. Both tests will contain multiple-choice. Both reading comprehension pre-test and post-test will implemented to examine the reading comprehension skills of both groups. ***Please follow the attached guideline. Your proposal MUST INCLUDE ALL of the following sections: A. Title ? B. Table of Contents C. Abstract ? D. Introduction ? E. Literature review ? F. Significance of Research ? G. Research Question ? H. Research Methodology I. Ethical Consideration J. Limitations of the study K. Expected Results L. References? M. Appendix ***The number of words should be between 1800 to 2000 (not including the cover page. **** Font for text all throughout the paper should be 12 Times New Roman. The entire paper should be double-spaced. This includes the title and the body of each paragraph. ****Paginate your proposal, label sections (i.e. give them numbers), and remember to show the page number of each section in the table of contents.Your first draft MUST INCLUDE ALL of the following sections:
A. Title
Write the title of your research proposal on the first page (cover page) with your name and academic number.
The title needs to be specific.
For example:
Language Acquisition is general
Language Acquisition in Saudi Arabia is still general
Using X to Improve Reading Skills of Saudi Students at the Elementary Stage (a study on students at Y school in Z city) is acceptable because it is a specific title.

B. Table of Contents?
Add a table of contents on the second page that shows each of the sections below with the page number of each section.

C. Abstract
This is a one paragraph summary of your research proposal.

D. Introduction
Here you provide the reader with overview and background information about the topic.

E. Literature review
Your literature review section should have two to four quotes or brief summaries of what other researchers said about the topic you are researching, and your own comments on these quotes. See here for more information: http://faculty.mwsu.edu/psychology/Laura.Spiller/Experimental/ sample_apa_style_litreview.pdf

F. Significance of Research
This section should include why the topic is important and worthy of being researched, and why other researchers should be interested in reading about it.

G. Research Question(s)
Here you state the problem(s) you are going to research.

H. Research Methodology
Your methodology section should include description of how you will conduct your research, what tools you will use and how these tools will help you answer your research question(s).

I. Ethical Considerations
Here you should explain how you will follow research ethics when you deal with your research participants. You only need to include this section if you have research participants. Follow this link for more information: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bioethics/whatis/

J. Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study section should include any factors that may limit your research. For example factors of time, place and sample size… etc.

K. Expected Results
Here you try to predict what results will come out of your research after you complete it.

L. Reference list:
Please note that every reference you use should be cited twice:
a. within the text of your proposal (e.g. in the literature review section). You can refer to section number 6 above for more details on in-text citation.
b. in the reference list (i.e. at the end of your proposal) as explained below: Use correct citation of references as in the following example:
In your text, you took information from a book called “The Importance of Knowledge” written by an author called Alex Hardy in the year 2002, and published by the publisher Penguin Books in the city of New York. To properly add this work to your reference list, you need to format it as follows:
Hardy, A. (2002). The Importance of Knowledge. New York: Penguin Books. References should be organized alphabetically.
You can use this site to make citation easier for you: http://www.citethisforme.com/cite/book Here is a guide how to cite websites in your references: http://www.easybib.com/reference/guide/apa/website

D. Appendix
Some research proposals might also need to include the following section:
Here you include the questionnaires, interview questions tests, translated texts… etc. or any other tools and extra data you use in your research.

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