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The distinction between knowledge and belief

Since the beginning of creation, human beings have always invested deep thought and time on the aspects of knowledge and belief. Knowledge answers the question of being informed, while belief is the action of trusting something that may, or may not be verified. The two concepts have for a long time disturbed people, especially philosophers, as they try to seek the difference between them. People may believe in something, even when they do not know about it. They believe in their search for inner peace and the satisfaction of the soul. On the other hand, knowledge is based on justifiable facts andtruths.

believe in something they do not know. After believing, they seek the truth. In some other situations,people seek the truth, after which they believe. Here people believe in something that they have knowledge.

, belief is regarded as a psychological state. is only thought to exist in the mind, but cannot be proven by any scientific method.

While knowledge is considered indispensable, belief is also very important. The knowledge that one has about something affects their belief on that particular thing. For example, in the religious circles, the more the followers gain knowledge about their supernatural being, the more they believe in the being. A belief thus becomes stronger when it is based on the fact. A belief that is based on few facts is a weak belief. Knowledge is thus not based on a belief, but belief is affected by knowledge. This fact leads to a big distinction between knowledge and belief, in that people tend to test their beliefs, and not their knowledge. When people are sure of what they know, they do not waste their time re-visiting their belief about it. However, people are very disturbed by something that they are not sure they know. They keep re-visiting the issue in order to establish the truth. Justifiable knowledge is thus more easily justifiable than belief. Belief, however, is always put in doubt by experiences, the people in one’s lies or even the believer.

Knowledge is based on evidence, is not universal, and can change as more, or contrary facts are discovered. A belief, on the other hand, is the idea that is affected by the societal paradigms, the educational level, life conditions and social structure. Even though some people can believe in something without a factual basis, knowledge has always relied on particular evidence.

Knowledge and belief have different orientations in terms of psychological and mental representations. Whereas knowledge represents a proposition; belief represents a value, or a truth that is associated with that proposal. Thus, one can have the knowledge of an idea but choose to either believe, or not believe in the thing. Knowledge is also associated withThe knowledgethus goes beyond the auspices of emotions, thoughts and opinions, and is supported by a body of evidence.

beliefs on a thing if they discover more supportive knowledge about the issue. People thus have a tendency of testing their belief, while they do not test their knowledge. Understanding the distinction between knowledge and belief is necessary for philosophy. It helps in answering the life questions that philosophy endeavors to answer

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