The definition of victimology used by the World Society of Victimology (WSV) focuses specifically on victims of behaviors that violate the criminal law. Assume that the WSV is considering revising this definition to include some or all of the four additional types of victims that Mendelsohn argued should be included in the study of victimology: victims of the self, victims of the social environment, victims of technology, and victims of the natural environment (see Topic 1.1 for more information). Your input has been requested. Decide which, if any, of the additional types of victims should be included in the updated WSV definition. Explain and provide justification as to why you have chosen to include or exclude each type of victim. If you feel that none of the additional types of victims should be included, you need to justify that decision as well. This is an opinion paper and there is no wrong opinion: your goal is to present and justify your opinion and you will be graded on the strength of your arguments. Your paper needs to be clearly written and well organized. If you want, you may assume that I hold a different opinion and that you are trying to convince me to change my view. You must write a coherent essay; do not respond separately to each victim type using bullet points or outline format. How to Write an Opinion Paper : -To write an opinion paper, you first provide your opinion and then give rational reasons as to why you hold this opinion. For this paper, you need to state which of the four types of victims you believe should be included in the WSV definition. This is your thesis statement and should appear in the first paragraph of the paper – I should not have to search through your paper to figure out your opinion! You then need to expand upon each victim type in a separate paragraph and explain why you think this victim type should or should not be included. Generally you should have two to three good reasons for each opinion. Since there are four types of victims, this should take at least four paragraphs. Of course, you can have more if you want – you may need multiple paragraphs to fully discuss one type of victim. Finally, conclude your essay with a final paragraph that summarizes your argument Paper format: ? Double spaced, 1-inch margins, full justified, 12 point type, Arial or Times New Roman font, pages numbered. DO NOT use all capital letters, all italics, etc. -No Title page necessary ? Your paper must be no less than 3 and no more than 5 full pages in length, NOT including the title or reference pages. References: – References are not required but if you use them, you must include a separate reference page using APA format. -You need both an in-text citation (in the body of your paper) and an entry on your reference page. -DO NOT use footnotes or number your references! -Don’t forget to cite the textbooks if you use them! • All sources must be appropriate for a university-level course – blogs, open source websites (like Wikipedia), non-scholarly websites (like are not acceptable sources.
The definition of victimology and victims of behaviors that violate the criminal law