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Paper details:Objective: To understand more fully the humanity issues of land to people. Your poster should focus on an ethical issues relating to human uses of the land. Choose a significant ethical issue with a moral context of right and wrong that relates to information presented in either class lectures or readings and make this issue the subject of your poster. Include the issue in the title of the poster. You can use Aldo Leopold’s definition of land ethics or any other appropriate definition.

Leopold called for a new ethic dealing with human’s relation to land and to the various components that are included in the land. In The Sand County Almanac published one year after Aldo Leopold’s death he argued that the next step within the expansion of ethics was to include nonhuman members of the earth and the land upon which they lived as elements with a moral context of ethics. Leopold’s basic principle of his land ethic was that, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” Described by him in a different way: “The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.”

Divide your poster into three sections each with a subtitle. The first sections should define/describe your ethical issue or issues and analyze the moral implications of right and wrong. The second section should describe the land context in which you ethical issue is situated. (This will be the shortest section.) The third section should present what you believe is the correct ethical decision that should be applied to this issue. The poster should include multiple graphic illustrations such as maps, photos, charts, and drawings. Each of the elements must have captions and references.

Poster Due: Friday April. 15, 2016 on the light table outside my door by 10:00 AM
(-10 Pts. for each day late)

Format: 20 x 30 inch print of your poster. If I keep your poster, you will be required to bring me copies of the files used for the poster: one file in the format used to produce the poster and a PDF format file together with all the files used in the creation of the poster such as text files, photos, graphics, etc.

Title Information:

Title of project with at least three subtitles: 1. Analysis of ethical issue, 2. Description of land, 3. Your conclusions.

Name and class information should be in a block 5 ½ “ wide by 2 “ tall and located ½ “ from the edge of the poster in the bottom right corner of the sheet. The information within the block should be the course number and section (14 pt. text), the title of the course (26 pt. text), my name (14 pt. text), the date and your name (Fall 2013 and your name 26 pt. text – this text size may have to be reduced if you have a long name). A file in “class information” on Moodle lists the point value of formatting poster elements. The title block should have a line around it or shown with a change in color. The title block should be located ½ inch from the bottom of the poster and ½ inch from the right edge of the poster. Use correct section number and date, Fall 2015

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