The case, Blue Cloud Gets Agile,Write in APA format to answer the following question: How effectively did the Blue Cloud implementation process introduce performance and result at the company? Below is a recommended outline.
1. Cover Page (See APA Sample paper)
2. Introduction a. A thesis statement
b. Purpose of paper
c. Overview of paper3. Body a. Demonstrate how the three phases of planned change theory apply at Blue Cloud. Cite source with in-text citations.
b. Define the multiple stakeholders impacted through the change implementation. Cite source within-text citations.
c. Evaluate the Scrum, agile method for project management and how it worked at Blue Cloud. Cite source with in-text citations.4. Conclusion Summary of main points a. Lessons Learned and Recommendations5. References List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format..ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!PLACE AN ORDER AND GET 15% DISCOUNT (Code GAC15)
The case, Blue Cloud Gets Agile,