The Capital Budget
Scenario for Assignments 1-5
For Assignments 1-5, you will take on the role of a budget analyst for a local government agency. The first role of the budget analyst is to become familiarwith the agency, the budget, programs, and capital projects. Select anylocal (city) government (e.g., Oklahoma City). To locate your agencys budget, you can either conduct a Google search on the word Oklahoma City Financial Plan or you can locate the information on the local governments Website.As a budget analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing, examining, proposing, and preparing the agencys budget for the next five (5) years.
Using the budget from the selected agency, write a five to six (5-6)page paper in which you:
1.Analyze the agencys compensation for employees. Provide a rationale on what the costs and benefits would be for a 2 percent, 4 percent, or 5 percent pay increase for the fiscal year 2014. In your forecast, (a) discuss the effects of the increase on benefits for the agencyand (b) provide a chart depicting the increase for each percent. (Title this section Payroll Forecast.)
2.Review the trend of the agency over the past five (5) yearsand prepare an analysis explaining the trend for expenditures. Include a figure depicting the trend. (Title this section Trend Analysis.)
3.Prepare and explain a five (5) year forecast of the four (4) highest expenditures. Make an XY plot of these data. Include in the analysis whether the costs should be approved or not approved. Justify the reasoning with examples. (Title this section Expenditure Forecast.)
4.Compare two (2) options for predicting the cost of needed repairs to thecurrent building that houses the selected agency by completing Exercise 1 at the end of Chapter 1 (page 92). Provide a rationale for recommending one (1) of the two (2) options. Include the figures to support the rationale. (Title this section Capital Budget.)
5.Provide names and URLs of the Websites for the states budget(s) analyzed and any other government Websites used to support the assignments criteria
The Capital Budget