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The benefits of direct deposit

The benefits of direct deposit
Paper details:
I need to demonstrate the benefits of using direct deposit to Savvi Formalwear. I would need to include in this explaination how much it would cost to get started and how much could be saved by not issuing paper checks.

The purpose of this class has been to get you to start thinking “big picture” about issues that are pressing in the business world, and that upper-management will be looking to HR to tackle.
Hopefully, you have been learning all semester about what kinds of questions to ask in given situations that will get to the heart of what management needs to know to make a decision about these issues.
In this project, you will pull together the ideas about a particular topic and use your critical thinking and research skills to determine the best solution for a problem that you select in a real business. Then, you will use your presentation skills to deliver a proposal to management that will hopefully convince them to support your proposal.
First, determine a business that has a pressing HR issue which you have learned about this semester. It may be the company that you work for now or a company that a friend or relative works for, but it should be a real company that you would either be the HR Manager for, or an HR consultant for.
Then, determine the issue, and make it as specific as possible for a small-scale project like this. For example, they may need job descriptions for their employees, but that is too big a scope for this – you might choose to develop a job description for one small department.
You will then research the issue and determine the best way to address and eliminate the problem, and you will make an oral presentation to me (pretending to be upper management) via Blackboard Collaborate. Your presentation will be about 10 minutes, as that will likely be the upper limit of what senior management would give you in a typical meeting. In that time, you must clearly define WHAT the problem is and help me understand why we need to address it. You will also tell me HOW we should address it, including any costs and benefits (senior management will ultimately want to know what it will cost and what they stand to gain in finance or retention or satisfaction, etc.), who will be responsible, what the outcomes will be, and things like that.
You should approach this like you are really making a formal presentation to the management of your company. 20% of the grade will be related to how well you define the problem, 50% will be related to the quality and completeness of the details and logistics of your proposal, and 20% will be related to how well you present yourself, how well you use your time, and how well you respond to any questions that I may have.
Remember that YOU are the expert in this matter once you have completed your research, and YOU know far more than I do, so be confident. I will try to think like upper management and look for answers to realistic questions, and ask those questions if you don’t proactively answer them in your presentation.
The presentation should have a logical introduction, be clear and logical in the proposal, identify any costs and benefits, and have a logical conclusion. Again, it should be about 10 minutes.
As noted, this process is exactly what you will have to be able to do in the real world, so this capstone project is intended to be less research-oriented and more practical in nature. I care less about what the research says and more about the common sense ideas that address the important questions.

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