The aim of the essay is to argue for Judith Butler’s theory of Performativity and Gender Identity in Middlesex. It’s for a theory module but i have chosen literature in my order because it also deals with literary texts.
but since it is for a theory module it is expected to be very thoughtful.The focus should be on both the novel and the theories.throughout the essay the writer is supposed to prove the reflection of Butler’s theory in the mentioned text.
concerning the title and topic of the essay: you can make changes in the topic or title if necessary. for instance, one can argue for Butlers theory of dialectical corporealism or the idea of materiality of the body or the issue of race in middlesex or any other 21st century literary text like ‘ a visit from the goon squad’. I haven’t decided what exactly to write but I am supposed to write about the reflection of one of Judith Butler’s key theories in a 21st century novel or film.