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Text summary of myth

Text summary of mythpatalapatallakh agasa agas

Pilgrimages, penances, compassion and almsgiving
Bring a little merit, the size of sesame seed.
But he who hears and believes and loves the Name
Shall bathe and be made clean
In a place of pilgrimage within him.
All goodness is Thine, 0 Lord, I have none;
Though without performing good deeds
None can aspire to adore Thee.
Blessed Thou the Creator and the Manifestation,
Thou art the word, Thou art the primal Truth and Beauty,
And Thou the heart’s joy and desire.
When in time, in what age, in what day of the month or week
In what season and in what month did’st Thou create the
The Pundits do not know or they would have written it in the
The Qazis do not know, or they would have recorded it in
the Koran;
Nor do the Yogis know the moment of the day,
Nor the day of the month or the week, nor the month nor the
Only God Who made the world knows when He made it.
Then how shall I approach Thee, Lord?
In what words shall I praise Thee?
In what words shall I speak of Thee?
How shall I know Thee?
0 Nanak, all men speak of Him, and each would be wiser
than the next man;·
Great is the Lord, great is His Name,
What He ordaineth, that cometh to pass,
Na:nak the mart puffed up with his own wisdom
Will get no honour from God in the life to come.

There are hundreds of thousands of worlds below and above

And scholars grow weary of seeking for God’s bounds.
The Vedas proclaim with one voice that He is boundless.
The Semitic Books mention eighteen hundred worlds;
But the Reality behind all is the One Principle.
If it could be written, it would have been,
But men have exhausted themselves in the effort;
0 Ntinak, call the Lord Great;
None but He knoweth, how great He is.


salahi salab eti surt napaiai
Thy praisers praise Thee,
And know not Thy greatness;
As rivers and streams flow into the sea,
But know not its vastness.
Kings who possess dominions vast as the sea,
With wealth heaped high as the mountain,
Are not equal to the little worm
That forgetteth not God in its heart.


arit na sifti kehan na alit
Infinite is His Goodness, and infinite its praise;
Infinite are His Works and infinite His gifts;
Where are the bounds of His seeing or His hearing?
Unfathomable is the infinity of His Mind;
There are no bounds even to His creation,
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