Terrorism: Compare and contrast the views and the attitudes towards violence and revolution of Stepan in the book (the just assassins by Albert Camus) and the professor in the (secret agent by Joseph Conrad)Focus on both similarities and differences between them, and also discuss how the authors of these two works (Camus and Conrad) see these character that they have created. Some questions are. What kind of personality they have? How were they raised? What kind of background? What made him what he became?. Can only use these two books, and lots of quotes to show your evidence. Quotation marks to show whenever the professor or Stepan spoke. and also page number right after. an example is the professor says, justice is strong.(P.54). The professor starts talking in chapter 4.

Assignment Instructions
The Final Paper assesses the final two Course objectives:
Analyze the current trends and manifestations of terrorism and consequent challenges they pose for U.S. national security policies.
Apply contemporary theories and methods derived from anti- and counter-terrorism policies to US national security issues.
Write an Op-ed article for a newspaper, relevant to this class. It must address a specific policy issue that is not working, and it must present solutions on how to improve it. You must work only with literature from this course. This is not a research paper; it is a comprehensive final to assess your understanding of this course’s objectives.
Grading will be based on the quality of the writing, the clarity of the argument and how well it is supported by the literature from the course. See this handout for tips on writing an effective op-ed.
The required length is a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages. Remember to cite sources in the text with Turabian in-text citations and write a Reference List at the end of your work.