technology plan
analyze the school profile that i will attached and prepare a written technology plan that is consistent with and supports the institutional vision and that stays within the budgeted amount 250 thousnd dollar. They should include:
I. A current school profile that includes information related to the following questions:
1. What technology exists in the school and how is it being used (including school management technology and assistive technology, if any?
2. What knowledge and skills do teachers have related to technology?
3. How are teachers using technology in the classroom?
4. What ICT training is provided to staff?
technology plan
Technology plan
Technology plan
Professional Development Plan for Effective Instruction with Technology
Organization: ___________________
Prepared by:___________________
Please include a brief vision statement (or bullet points) of the objectives of your plan.
Please consider the following areas as you determine the needs of your organization.
A. Curriculum Integration — How is your school/university/organization using technology to help learners and/or employees develop their skills? Is there a concerted organizational effort to enhance the skills and comfort level of staff in order to provide quality instruction that is enhanced with technology?
B. Professional Development — What is the current state of professional development in your organization? What areas of professional development are emphasized (including non-technology professional development)?
C. Technology Access — What technology tools (hardware and software) are provided in the organization? How are these made available and/or assigned? You may want to consider what technology is available to employees, what is the standard issue, and what tools are available to students (if applicable in your organization). Other potential areas to consider are the age of equipment, equitable distribution of equipment, and internet quality (infrastructure).
Goal 1: “List a goal statement here (Example: Instructors will extend learning by applying the concepts of blended / flipped learning.)”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps. (Example: 1. Staff will be evaluated for ability in using audio and video tools. 2. Deficient staff will be trained in the foundational skills of recording audio and video. 3. Staff will be trained to upload videos to a web based service. 4. Staff will be trained in the application and benefits of flipped learning. etc…etc…)”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success (Example: Over 80% of instructors have at least one instructional flipped learning video by the end of the 2015 – 2016 school year)”
Goal 2: “List a goal statement here”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps.”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success”
Goal 3: “List a goal statement here”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps.”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success”
R Rubric for Technology Professional Development Plan (EDU 6900)
3 2 1
Goals / vision statement The vision statement defines the perceived ideal future technology integration for all learners (staff and students).
It contains objectives that support this ideal. The vision statement partially defines the perceived ideal future technology integration for all learners (staff and students). It contains few or no supporting objectives or lacks clarity. The vision statement lacks clarity, direction, and an understanding of technology enhancement.
Needs Analysis: Curriculum Integration The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum. The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes some of the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum. The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated, but is not clear or thorough. . It includes none or few of the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum.
Needs Analysis: Professional Development The current reality of the school/ district/organization’s professional development is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes an examination of technical and non-technical learning opportunities. The current reality of the school/ district/organization’s professional development is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes either an examination of technical or the non-technical learning opportunities, but not both. The analysis of the professional development in the organization is lacking or neglects to address the area.
Needs Analysis: Technology Access The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated regarding technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support.
The current reality of the school/ district/ organization is stated regarding 2 or 3 of the following areas: technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support. The current reality of the school/ district/ organization is stated in an incomplete manner. It considers one or none of the following areas: technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support.
Action Plan: Goal 1 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.
Action Plan: Goal 2 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.
Action Plan: Goal 3 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.
Technology plan
Technology plan
Professional Development Plan for Effective Instruction with Technology
Organization: ___________________
Prepared by:___________________
Please include a brief vision statement (or bullet points) of the objectives of your plan.
Please consider the following areas as you determine the needs of your organization.
A. Curriculum Integration — How is your school/university/organization using technology to help learners and/or employees develop their skills? Is there a concerted organizational effort to enhance the skills and comfort level of staff in order to provide quality instruction that is enhanced with technology?
B. Professional Development — What is the current state of professional development in your organization? What areas of professional development are emphasized (including non-technology professional development)?
C. Technology Access — What technology tools (hardware and software) are provided in the organization? How are these made available and/or assigned? You may want to consider what technology is available to employees, what is the standard issue, and what tools are available to students (if applicable in your organization). Other potential areas to consider are the age of equipment, equitable distribution of equipment, and internet quality (infrastructure).
Goal 1: “List a goal statement here (Example: Instructors will extend learning by applying the concepts of blended / flipped learning.)”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps. (Example: 1. Staff will be evaluated for ability in using audio and video tools. 2. Deficient staff will be trained in the foundational skills of recording audio and video. 3. Staff will be trained to upload videos to a web based service. 4. Staff will be trained in the application and benefits of flipped learning. etc…etc…)”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success (Example: Over 80% of instructors have at least one instructional flipped learning video by the end of the 2015 – 2016 school year)”
Goal 2: “List a goal statement here”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps.”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success”
Goal 3: “List a goal statement here”
Strategy: “List the strategy for implementing it here. This may include multiple
strategies or steps.”
Measure of Success: “Explain how you will gauge success”
R Rubric for Technology Professional Development Plan (EDU 6900)
3 2 1
Goals / vision statement The vision statement defines the perceived ideal future technology integration for all learners (staff and students).
It contains objectives that support this ideal. The vision statement partially defines the perceived ideal future technology integration for all learners (staff and students). It contains few or no supporting objectives or lacks clarity. The vision statement lacks clarity, direction, and an understanding of technology enhancement.
Needs Analysis: Curriculum Integration The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum. The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes some of the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum. The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated, but is not clear or thorough. . It includes none or few of the areas of professional development, organizational effort / culture, and current state of technology enhancement to support the curriculum.
Needs Analysis: Professional Development The current reality of the school/ district/organization’s professional development is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes an examination of technical and non-technical learning opportunities. The current reality of the school/ district/organization’s professional development is stated in a clear and concise manner. It includes either an examination of technical or the non-technical learning opportunities, but not both. The analysis of the professional development in the organization is lacking or neglects to address the area.
Needs Analysis: Technology Access The current reality of the school/ district/organization is stated regarding technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support.
The current reality of the school/ district/ organization is stated regarding 2 or 3 of the following areas: technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support. The current reality of the school/ district/ organization is stated in an incomplete manner. It considers one or none of the following areas: technology hardware, infrastructure, software, and technology support.
Action Plan: Goal 1 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.
Action Plan: Goal 2 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.
Action Plan: Goal 3 The goal is tied to the vision and is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is not clearly tied to the vision, but is reflective of the needs of the organization. It includes a goal, a multi-step strategy, and a measure of success. The goal is incomplete, lacks cohesion with the needs and vision of the organization.