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Teaching in a Tertiary Setting Academic Essay

* provide a written analysis with critical reflect on the lesson recorded and learning materials used;
* provide a written analysis on the feedback from students and reflect on the effectiveness of this information with respect to improving teaching and learning;
* demonstrate how the taped lesson and related teaching materials could be improved using the key concepts and principles covered in the unit; and
*develop an action plan for improving both the quality of your teaching and the learning of you students both short and long term.

Examine teaching strategies and select strategies appropriate to individual circumstances

and/or discipline, Communication skills, Professional Skills (work independently and as a team) (plan own work)

Examine cycles of critical reflection and the role of student evaluation of teaching, Communication skills, Professional Skills (work independently and as a team) (plan own work)

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Posted on May 5, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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