Whereas in the previous assignment, you were given the task of writing a case report on an area of welfare and community development work, your current task is to design a program/project for a non-government human service organisation from the perspective of a community development worker. The project/program may be entirely new or extend a pre-existing one. In either case, the project/program must be specific, practical, achievable, and be designed to add genuine value to the work of the organisation through which you intend to deliver the project/program.
In order to complete this task, you will once again be expected to consult with a non-government community-based human service organisation. The same contact protocol used in the previous assignment applies here. The organisation may be the same as or different from the one used previously. In contrast to the case report, the focus of this assignment is on the submission of a proposal outlining the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a specific community development program/project.
The DVD A place of our own and the video Community action and the environment (available in the Library), exemplify community development programs/projects. Note that the program/project you select need not be as bold as those shown in the DVD or video.
Word limit
The word count must be between 1200 and 1500 words (there is no +/- 10%). The word count includes everything in the body of the project proposal. In-text references and any direct quotes used are counted. It excludes the title page, the list of references and any appendices, of which there are likely to be several. Note that while the penalties for going over the word limit are somewhat limited, assignments will not be read beyond 10% over the word limit, i.e. over 1650 words).
The marking scheme provides the basic structure for the proposal. The specific criteria serve as prospective headings, appropriately tailored to the content. The proposal must be shaped into a coherent narrative, and not simply form a series of unconnected responses to the criteria.
Marking scheme
Three quarters of the marks will relate to the specific requirements for this assignment:
• An overview of the nature, purpose, scope, and significance of the project/program, including the main issue(s) and disadvantaged group(s) it seeks to address.
• Identification and analysis of the structural (as opposed to individual) cause(s) of disadvantage. This will entail analysis and discussion of economic and political causation. Do not confuse causes with effects. Note that disadvantage is an effect, not a cause. Reread Module 4 and Chapter 3 of the text as a starting point for the structural analysis.
• Identification, justification, and analysis of the community development model(s) being used to address the problem. Refer to Kenny’s five (5) models of community development outlined on pp. 232-7
• Identification, diagram, and justification of the requisite organisational structure for implementing the project/program, including the specification and justification of main roles, responsibilities, including the community development worker, and decision-making process (review Module 8 and Chapter 6, especially pp. 240-4 of the text, as a starting point). The diagram can be placed in an appendix, and is not counted in the word limit. However, the discussion of the administrative
structure is included in the main body of the proposal and forms part of the word limit.
• A depiction and discussion of a GANTT chart of the project/program (see p. 218 of the text for a simple example). The chart can be placed in an appendix, and is not counted in the word limit. A discussion of the work breakdown structure, i.e. tasks and milestones, and scheduling is included in the main body of the proposal and forms part of the word limit.
• Completed formal funding application(s) (refer to Chapter 9 of the text for information about funding) and a budget detailing income and expenditures (see the basic example given in
Module 10 as a starting point). You must use real applications forms. The funding application(s) and budget can be placed in appendices and referred to in the main body of the proposal. Lengthy funding application(s) may be scanned and added as a separate PDF document to the submission of the proposal. Applications and budgets are not counted in the word limit. Discussion of these forms part of the word limit.
• A media release announcing the launch of the project/program to the public. The media release must be suitable for sending to any media outlet. Do not write media releases that read like an
advertisement or community service announcement. Review Module 9 and pp. 288-9 of the text as a starting point. The media release should be placed in an appendix, but is not included in the word count, but the text of the media release must be strictly limited to 200 words. Discuss the purpose of, and target audience(s) for the media release in the main body of the proposal. The discussion also forms part of the word limit.
• A description of how the project/program will be evaluated during its execution and at its conclusion. A combination of methods will no doubt be required. Make clear exactly what will be evaluated, which methods will be used and why. Review chapter 9 of the text and Module 11 as starting points. Examples of forms or survey questions may be placed in an appendix and not included in the word count.
Additional comments
• As suggested in the previous assignment, survey projects/programs offered locally in the first instance, and refer to the modules, readings, and text for further suggestions.
• The proposal can either build on disadvantages and minority groups identified in the previous assignment, or have an entirely different focus.
• Choose an organisation for which information is publicly available and readily accessible.
• Complete appropriate background reading before you contact an
organisation about programs/projects.
• Approach organisations with the utmost care and respect.
• Do not choose an organisation, such as Relationships Australia or Lifeline, which practices individual, group, and/or community counselling.
• Do not submit extraneous material, such as brochures, newsletters, etc., from the organisation with your assignment.
• Make sure that you begin searching for sources of funding for the project/program as soon as possible as applications are time-limited. Local non/government human services organisations can be contacted for information about sources they use or have used to fund their projects/programs. The Commonwealth Department of Social Services website (https://www.dss.gov.au/) includes some useful publications and information on grants and funding, and the Integrated Queensland Grants website (https://www.qld.gov.au/grants/) provides step-by-step information on how to apply for various community grants.


Whereas in the previous assignment, you were given the task of writing a case report on an area of welfare and community development work, your current task is to design a program/project for a non-government human service organisation from the perspective of a community development worker. The project/program may be entirely new or extend a pre-existing one. In either case, the project/program must be specific, practical, achievable, and be designed to add genuine value to the work of the organisation through which you intend to deliver the project/program.
In order to complete this task, you will once again be expected to consult with a non-government community-based human service organisation. The same contact protocol used in the previous assignment applies here. The organisation may be the same as or different from the one used previously. In contrast to the case report, the focus of this assignment is on the submission of a proposal outlining the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a specific community development program/project.
The DVD A place of our own and the video Community action and the environment (available in the Library), exemplify community development programs/projects. Note that the program/project you select need not be as bold as those shown in the DVD or video.
Word limit
The word count must be between 1200 and 1500 words (there is no +/- 10%). The word count includes everything in the body of the project proposal. In-text references and any direct quotes used are counted. It excludes the title page, the list of references and any appendices, of which there are likely to be several. Note that while the penalties for going over the word limit are somewhat limited, assignments will not be read beyond 10% over the word limit, i.e. over 1650 words).
The marking scheme provides the basic structure for the proposal. The specific criteria serve as prospective headings, appropriately tailored to the content. The proposal must be shaped into a coherent narrative, and not simply form a series of unconnected responses to the criteria.
Marking scheme
Three quarters of the marks will relate to the specific requirements for this assignment:
• An overview of the nature, purpose, scope, and significance of the project/program, including the main issue(s) and disadvantaged group(s) it seeks to address.
• Identification and analysis of the structural (as opposed to individual) cause(s) of disadvantage. This will entail analysis and discussion of economic and political causation. Do not confuse causes with effects. Note that disadvantage is an effect, not a cause. Reread Module 4 and Chapter 3 of the text as a starting point for the structural analysis.
• Identification, justification, and analysis of the community development model(s) being used to address the problem. Refer to Kenny’s five (5) models of community development outlined on pp. 232-7
• Identification, diagram, and justification of the requisite organisational structure for implementing the project/program, including the specification and justification of main roles, responsibilities, including the community development worker, and decision-making process (review Module 8 and Chapter 6, especially pp. 240-4 of the text, as a starting point). The diagram can be placed in an appendix, and is not counted in the word limit. However, the discussion of the administrative
structure is included in the main body of the proposal and forms part of the word limit.
• A depiction and discussion of a GANTT chart of the project/program (see p. 218 of the text for a simple example). The chart can be placed in an appendix, and is not counted in the word limit. A discussion of the work breakdown structure, i.e. tasks and milestones, and scheduling is included in the main body of the proposal and forms part of the word limit.
• Completed formal funding application(s) (refer to Chapter 9 of the text for information about funding) and a budget detailing income and expenditures (see the basic example given in
Module 10 as a starting point). You must use real applications forms. The funding application(s) and budget can be placed in appendices and referred to in the main body of the proposal. Lengthy funding application(s) may be scanned and added as a separate PDF document to the submission of the proposal. Applications and budgets are not counted in the word limit. Discussion of these forms part of the word limit.
• A media release announcing the launch of the project/program to the public. The media release must be suitable for sending to any media outlet. Do not write media releases that read like an
advertisement or community service announcement. Review Module 9 and pp. 288-9 of the text as a starting point. The media release should be placed in an appendix, but is not included in the word count, but the text of the media release must be strictly limited to 200 words. Discuss the purpose of, and target audience(s) for the media release in the main body of the proposal. The discussion also forms part of the word limit.
• A description of how the project/program will be evaluated during its execution and at its conclusion. A combination of methods will no doubt be required. Make clear exactly what will be evaluated, which methods will be used and why. Review chapter 9 of the text and Module 11 as starting points. Examples of forms or survey questions may be placed in an appendix and not included in the word count.
Additional comments
• As suggested in the previous assignment, survey projects/programs offered locally in the first instance, and refer to the modules, readings, and text for further suggestions.
• The proposal can either build on disadvantages and minority groups identified in the previous assignment, or have an entirely different focus.
• Choose an organisation for which information is publicly available and readily accessible.
• Complete appropriate background reading before you contact an
organisation about programs/projects.
• Approach organisations with the utmost care and respect.
• Do not choose an organisation, such as Relationships Australia or Lifeline, which practices individual, group, and/or community counselling.
• Do not submit extraneous material, such as brochures, newsletters, etc., from the organisation with your assignment.
• Make sure that you begin searching for sources of funding for the project/program as soon as possible as applications are time-limited. Local non/government human services organisations can be contacted for information about sources they use or have used to fund their projects/programs. The Commonwealth Department of Social Services website (https://www.dss.gov.au/) includes some useful publications and information on grants and funding, and the Integrated Queensland Grants website (https://www.qld.gov.au/grants/) provides step-by-step information on how to apply for various community grants.