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T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

MIS782 Business Value of Information
Assignment Two
This is a group assignment, the essence of which is to examine ways in which the company from the same case
study from Assignment 1 could benefit from investment in information technology to improve the future
overall competitiveness of the business. The outcome of this activity is a 3500 word Business Case.
Percentage of final grade 45%
Due date Wednesday Week 8 – 13-01-2016
The assignment must be completed/submitted by the due date electronically via the Group section in
CloudDeakin. When submitting electronically, you must check that you have submitted the work correctly by
following the instructions provided in CloudDeakin. Please note that hard copies will NOT be accepted or part
of the assignment submitted after the deadline or via Email.
No extensions will be considered unless a written request is submitted and negotiated with the Unit Chair
Heidi Tscherning prior to Wednesday 6th January 2016, 4pm. Please note that assignment extensions will only
be considered if you attach your draft assignment with your request for an extension.
Assurance of Learning
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a
discipline or profession.
GLO2: Communication: using oral, written and
interpersonal communication to inform, motivate
and effect change
ULO2: Develop the business case to motivate an IT
investment for organisations
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 2
Feedback prior to submission
Students are able to seek assistance from the teaching staff to ascertain whether the assignment conforms to
submission guidelines. Questions need to be formulated in writing as the teaching staff will not read parts of
the assignment prior to submission.
For more detailed support and advice on where improvements can be made in your work consider contacting
a Language and Learning Advisor – http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/ask-us.
Feedback after submission
Your assignment feedback will be returned in a rubric via CloudDeakin with an overall mark together with
comments. In order to understand any areas of improvement, students are expected to refer, and compare,
their answers to the suggested solutions.
Students are required to check originality through Turnitin, prior to submitting the final assessment. For more
information about Turnitin and how to check for originality, refer to the Deakin website information at:
Case Study
Continue using the case study assigned to you for your first assessment item.
Form a group of 4 students. All students within the group should have worked on the same case study scenario
for assessment 1. If you worked on the “San Francisco International Airport and Quantum Secure’s SAFE for
Aviation System” scenario for assessment 1, all group members should have also worked on that scenario. No
student will be allowed to change to the other case study for assessment 2.
It is highly recommended that you re-read your assigned case study.
Develop a group Business Case report. Your Business Case needs to examine the ways in which the business
could benefit from an investment in technology as outlined in the separate appendix (also uploaded to the
assignment webpage) to improve their business competitiveness.
An overview of what a business case should contain is provided below. Your Business Case must be presented
in a professional manner, taking into consideration the audience of the report. Your report structure needs to
include as a minimum:
1. Executive Summary
2. A description of the business problem (or opportunity) which exists in the business and how the idea
relates to them
3. Business opportunity alignment with the organization’s goals
4. Identification of at least three alternative solutions to the business opportunity (including status quo)
5. Analysis of chosen alternatives
a. Feasibility
b. Costs and benefits (you might need to approximate actual costs, but reasonable
approximations are expected).
c. Identify risks and provide risk mitigation plan
6. A recommended solution option for approval
7. An high-level implementation plan
Due to time constraints, students are expected to give detailed description of their chosen option only. In
normal circumstances detailed descriptions of ALL options would be necessary.
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 3
For further support information about Report Writing, refer to the following Website:
What is a business case?
A Business Case is a document, which outlines the justification for the start-up of a project.
When do I use a Business Case?
It is the first document used in the Project Lifecycle and, once approved, allows the project to be formally
defined. Furthermore, it is frequently referred to during the project. At each quality review, the business case
is used to determine whether or not the benefits, costs, risks and issues prevalent match those outlined in the
business case. At the end of the project a Post Implementation Review (PIR) will determine whether or not the
project delivered the business benefits outlined in the business case. In this regard, the success of the project
is measured against the ability of the project to deliver the criteria outlined in the business case.
Content of Business Content:
Required Sections:
1 Executive Summary
Summarize each of the sections in this document concisely by outlining the:
• Problem or opportunity
• Solution alternatives
• Recommended Solution
• Implementation Approach.
2 Business Problem
2.1 Environmental Analysis
Outline the core aspects of the business environment, which have driven the need for this project to take
place. These may include:
• Business Vision, Strategy or Objectives
• Business processes or technologies, which are not operating efficiently
• New technology opportunities
Provide any facts or evidence to support the conclusions drawn above.
2.2 Problem Analysis
Outline the fundamental business problem or opportunity, which the resulting project will directly address.
Business Problem
Provide a summary of the core business problem, including:
• A generic description of the core issue at hand
• The reasons why the problem exists
• The elements, which created it (e.g. human, process, technology)
• The impact it is having on the business (e.g. financial, cultural, operational)
• The timeframes within which it must be resolved.
Business Opportunity
Outline the business opportunity, which has been identified, including:
• A summary of the generic opportunity
• Any supporting evidence to prove that the opportunity is real
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 4
• A timeframe within which the opportunity will likely exist
• The positive impact that realization of the opportunity will have on the business.
3 Available Options
This section provides a full listing of all solution options, their benefits, costs, feasibility, risks and issues.
Options suggested may include doing nothing, doing something that will achieve a similar result or doing
something that will achieve a better result than current performance. For each solution option identified, the
following information is required:
3.1 Option Name
Provide a summarized description of the option identified. This will include the general approach to be taken
and a summary of the core elements of the solution (e.g. people, process, organization, technology).
Describe the tangible and intangible benefits to the company upon implementation of the solution. One of the
obvious benefits described will be that the business problem/opportunity outlined above will be addressed.
Describe the tangible and intangible costs to the company upon implementation of the solution. The costs of
the actual project should be included (e.g. equipment procured) as well as any negative impact to the business
resulting from the delivery of the project (e.g. operational down-time).
Describe the feasibility of the solution. To adequately complete this section, a Feasibility Study may need to be
initiated to quantify the likelihood of achieving the desired project result. To assess the overall feasibility
assess the project in respect of each component in the following table, and write a short paragraph to support
the assessment in each category.
Topic Rating (1-10) Method to Determine Feasibility
Operational Will it do the job required
Technical Is the technology available locally; has it been tested
Schedule Will it fit with current timetables; is there a deadline
Economic Cost/benefit analysis (resources and capabilities)
Legal Are there any legal/ contractual barriers
Summarise the most apparent risks associated with the adoption of this solution. Risks are defined as “any
event, which may adversely affect the ability of the solution to produce the required deliverables”. Risks may
be Strategic, Environmental, Financial, Operational, Technical, Industrial, Competitive or Customer related.
Description Likelihood Impact Mitigating Actions
Risk description 1 Low High Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 1
Risk description 2 Medium Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 2
Risk description 3 Low Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 3
Assignments should be submitted to the T3 2015 MIS782 Assignment 2 Business Case assignment folder,
which will be open for submission from November 11th to November 25th at 23.59.

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

MIS782 Business Value of Information
Assignment Two
This is a group assignment, the essence of which is to examine ways in which the company from the same case
study from Assignment 1 could benefit from investment in information technology to improve the future
overall competitiveness of the business. The outcome of this activity is a 3500 word Business Case.
Percentage of final grade 45%
Due date Wednesday Week 8 – 13-01-2016
The assignment must be completed/submitted by the due date electronically via the Group section in
CloudDeakin. When submitting electronically, you must check that you have submitted the work correctly by
following the instructions provided in CloudDeakin. Please note that hard copies will NOT be accepted or part
of the assignment submitted after the deadline or via Email.
No extensions will be considered unless a written request is submitted and negotiated with the Unit Chair
Heidi Tscherning prior to Wednesday 6th January 2016, 4pm. Please note that assignment extensions will only
be considered if you attach your draft assignment with your request for an extension.
Assurance of Learning
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a
discipline or profession.
GLO2: Communication: using oral, written and
interpersonal communication to inform, motivate
and effect change
ULO2: Develop the business case to motivate an IT
investment for organisations
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 2
Feedback prior to submission
Students are able to seek assistance from the teaching staff to ascertain whether the assignment conforms to
submission guidelines. Questions need to be formulated in writing as the teaching staff will not read parts of
the assignment prior to submission.
For more detailed support and advice on where improvements can be made in your work consider contacting
a Language and Learning Advisor – http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/ask-us.
Feedback after submission
Your assignment feedback will be returned in a rubric via CloudDeakin with an overall mark together with
comments. In order to understand any areas of improvement, students are expected to refer, and compare,
their answers to the suggested solutions.
Students are required to check originality through Turnitin, prior to submitting the final assessment. For more
information about Turnitin and how to check for originality, refer to the Deakin website information at:
Case Study
Continue using the case study assigned to you for your first assessment item.
Form a group of 4 students. All students within the group should have worked on the same case study scenario
for assessment 1. If you worked on the “San Francisco International Airport and Quantum Secure’s SAFE for
Aviation System” scenario for assessment 1, all group members should have also worked on that scenario. No
student will be allowed to change to the other case study for assessment 2.
It is highly recommended that you re-read your assigned case study.
Develop a group Business Case report. Your Business Case needs to examine the ways in which the business
could benefit from an investment in technology as outlined in the separate appendix (also uploaded to the
assignment webpage) to improve their business competitiveness.
An overview of what a business case should contain is provided below. Your Business Case must be presented
in a professional manner, taking into consideration the audience of the report. Your report structure needs to
include as a minimum:
1. Executive Summary
2. A description of the business problem (or opportunity) which exists in the business and how the idea
relates to them
3. Business opportunity alignment with the organization’s goals
4. Identification of at least three alternative solutions to the business opportunity (including status quo)
5. Analysis of chosen alternatives
a. Feasibility
b. Costs and benefits (you might need to approximate actual costs, but reasonable
approximations are expected).
c. Identify risks and provide risk mitigation plan
6. A recommended solution option for approval
7. An high-level implementation plan
Due to time constraints, students are expected to give detailed description of their chosen option only. In
normal circumstances detailed descriptions of ALL options would be necessary.
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 3
For further support information about Report Writing, refer to the following Website:
What is a business case?
A Business Case is a document, which outlines the justification for the start-up of a project.
When do I use a Business Case?
It is the first document used in the Project Lifecycle and, once approved, allows the project to be formally
defined. Furthermore, it is frequently referred to during the project. At each quality review, the business case
is used to determine whether or not the benefits, costs, risks and issues prevalent match those outlined in the
business case. At the end of the project a Post Implementation Review (PIR) will determine whether or not the
project delivered the business benefits outlined in the business case. In this regard, the success of the project
is measured against the ability of the project to deliver the criteria outlined in the business case.
Content of Business Content:
Required Sections:
1 Executive Summary
Summarize each of the sections in this document concisely by outlining the:
• Problem or opportunity
• Solution alternatives
• Recommended Solution
• Implementation Approach.
2 Business Problem
2.1 Environmental Analysis
Outline the core aspects of the business environment, which have driven the need for this project to take
place. These may include:
• Business Vision, Strategy or Objectives
• Business processes or technologies, which are not operating efficiently
• New technology opportunities
Provide any facts or evidence to support the conclusions drawn above.
2.2 Problem Analysis
Outline the fundamental business problem or opportunity, which the resulting project will directly address.
Business Problem
Provide a summary of the core business problem, including:
• A generic description of the core issue at hand
• The reasons why the problem exists
• The elements, which created it (e.g. human, process, technology)
• The impact it is having on the business (e.g. financial, cultural, operational)
• The timeframes within which it must be resolved.
Business Opportunity
Outline the business opportunity, which has been identified, including:
• A summary of the generic opportunity
• Any supporting evidence to prove that the opportunity is real
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 4
• A timeframe within which the opportunity will likely exist
• The positive impact that realization of the opportunity will have on the business.
3 Available Options
This section provides a full listing of all solution options, their benefits, costs, feasibility, risks and issues.
Options suggested may include doing nothing, doing something that will achieve a similar result or doing
something that will achieve a better result than current performance. For each solution option identified, the
following information is required:
3.1 Option Name
Provide a summarized description of the option identified. This will include the general approach to be taken
and a summary of the core elements of the solution (e.g. people, process, organization, technology).
Describe the tangible and intangible benefits to the company upon implementation of the solution. One of the
obvious benefits described will be that the business problem/opportunity outlined above will be addressed.
Describe the tangible and intangible costs to the company upon implementation of the solution. The costs of
the actual project should be included (e.g. equipment procured) as well as any negative impact to the business
resulting from the delivery of the project (e.g. operational down-time).
Describe the feasibility of the solution. To adequately complete this section, a Feasibility Study may need to be
initiated to quantify the likelihood of achieving the desired project result. To assess the overall feasibility
assess the project in respect of each component in the following table, and write a short paragraph to support
the assessment in each category.
Topic Rating (1-10) Method to Determine Feasibility
Operational Will it do the job required
Technical Is the technology available locally; has it been tested
Schedule Will it fit with current timetables; is there a deadline
Economic Cost/benefit analysis (resources and capabilities)
Legal Are there any legal/ contractual barriers
Summarise the most apparent risks associated with the adoption of this solution. Risks are defined as “any
event, which may adversely affect the ability of the solution to produce the required deliverables”. Risks may
be Strategic, Environmental, Financial, Operational, Technical, Industrial, Competitive or Customer related.
Description Likelihood Impact Mitigating Actions
Risk description 1 Low High Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 1
Risk description 2 Medium Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 2
Risk description 3 Low Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 3
Assignments should be submitted to the T3 2015 MIS782 Assignment 2 Business Case assignment folder,
which will be open for submission from November 11th to November 25th at 23.59.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

T3 2015 MIS782 Assessment 2

MIS782 Business Value of Information
Assignment Two
This is a group assignment, the essence of which is to examine ways in which the company from the same case
study from Assignment 1 could benefit from investment in information technology to improve the future
overall competitiveness of the business. The outcome of this activity is a 3500 word Business Case.
Percentage of final grade 45%
Due date Wednesday Week 8 – 13-01-2016
The assignment must be completed/submitted by the due date electronically via the Group section in
CloudDeakin. When submitting electronically, you must check that you have submitted the work correctly by
following the instructions provided in CloudDeakin. Please note that hard copies will NOT be accepted or part
of the assignment submitted after the deadline or via Email.
No extensions will be considered unless a written request is submitted and negotiated with the Unit Chair
Heidi Tscherning prior to Wednesday 6th January 2016, 4pm. Please note that assignment extensions will only
be considered if you attach your draft assignment with your request for an extension.
Assurance of Learning
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a
discipline or profession.
GLO2: Communication: using oral, written and
interpersonal communication to inform, motivate
and effect change
ULO2: Develop the business case to motivate an IT
investment for organisations
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 2
Feedback prior to submission
Students are able to seek assistance from the teaching staff to ascertain whether the assignment conforms to
submission guidelines. Questions need to be formulated in writing as the teaching staff will not read parts of
the assignment prior to submission.
For more detailed support and advice on where improvements can be made in your work consider contacting
a Language and Learning Advisor – http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/ask-us.
Feedback after submission
Your assignment feedback will be returned in a rubric via CloudDeakin with an overall mark together with
comments. In order to understand any areas of improvement, students are expected to refer, and compare,
their answers to the suggested solutions.
Students are required to check originality through Turnitin, prior to submitting the final assessment. For more
information about Turnitin and how to check for originality, refer to the Deakin website information at:
Case Study
Continue using the case study assigned to you for your first assessment item.
Form a group of 4 students. All students within the group should have worked on the same case study scenario
for assessment 1. If you worked on the “San Francisco International Airport and Quantum Secure’s SAFE for
Aviation System” scenario for assessment 1, all group members should have also worked on that scenario. No
student will be allowed to change to the other case study for assessment 2.
It is highly recommended that you re-read your assigned case study.
Develop a group Business Case report. Your Business Case needs to examine the ways in which the business
could benefit from an investment in technology as outlined in the separate appendix (also uploaded to the
assignment webpage) to improve their business competitiveness.
An overview of what a business case should contain is provided below. Your Business Case must be presented
in a professional manner, taking into consideration the audience of the report. Your report structure needs to
include as a minimum:
1. Executive Summary
2. A description of the business problem (or opportunity) which exists in the business and how the idea
relates to them
3. Business opportunity alignment with the organization’s goals
4. Identification of at least three alternative solutions to the business opportunity (including status quo)
5. Analysis of chosen alternatives
a. Feasibility
b. Costs and benefits (you might need to approximate actual costs, but reasonable
approximations are expected).
c. Identify risks and provide risk mitigation plan
6. A recommended solution option for approval
7. An high-level implementation plan
Due to time constraints, students are expected to give detailed description of their chosen option only. In
normal circumstances detailed descriptions of ALL options would be necessary.
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 3
For further support information about Report Writing, refer to the following Website:
What is a business case?
A Business Case is a document, which outlines the justification for the start-up of a project.
When do I use a Business Case?
It is the first document used in the Project Lifecycle and, once approved, allows the project to be formally
defined. Furthermore, it is frequently referred to during the project. At each quality review, the business case
is used to determine whether or not the benefits, costs, risks and issues prevalent match those outlined in the
business case. At the end of the project a Post Implementation Review (PIR) will determine whether or not the
project delivered the business benefits outlined in the business case. In this regard, the success of the project
is measured against the ability of the project to deliver the criteria outlined in the business case.
Content of Business Content:
Required Sections:
1 Executive Summary
Summarize each of the sections in this document concisely by outlining the:
• Problem or opportunity
• Solution alternatives
• Recommended Solution
• Implementation Approach.
2 Business Problem
2.1 Environmental Analysis
Outline the core aspects of the business environment, which have driven the need for this project to take
place. These may include:
• Business Vision, Strategy or Objectives
• Business processes or technologies, which are not operating efficiently
• New technology opportunities
Provide any facts or evidence to support the conclusions drawn above.
2.2 Problem Analysis
Outline the fundamental business problem or opportunity, which the resulting project will directly address.
Business Problem
Provide a summary of the core business problem, including:
• A generic description of the core issue at hand
• The reasons why the problem exists
• The elements, which created it (e.g. human, process, technology)
• The impact it is having on the business (e.g. financial, cultural, operational)
• The timeframes within which it must be resolved.
Business Opportunity
Outline the business opportunity, which has been identified, including:
• A summary of the generic opportunity
• Any supporting evidence to prove that the opportunity is real
Assignment Two – Trimester 3, 2015 Page 4
• A timeframe within which the opportunity will likely exist
• The positive impact that realization of the opportunity will have on the business.
3 Available Options
This section provides a full listing of all solution options, their benefits, costs, feasibility, risks and issues.
Options suggested may include doing nothing, doing something that will achieve a similar result or doing
something that will achieve a better result than current performance. For each solution option identified, the
following information is required:
3.1 Option Name
Provide a summarized description of the option identified. This will include the general approach to be taken
and a summary of the core elements of the solution (e.g. people, process, organization, technology).
Describe the tangible and intangible benefits to the company upon implementation of the solution. One of the
obvious benefits described will be that the business problem/opportunity outlined above will be addressed.
Describe the tangible and intangible costs to the company upon implementation of the solution. The costs of
the actual project should be included (e.g. equipment procured) as well as any negative impact to the business
resulting from the delivery of the project (e.g. operational down-time).
Describe the feasibility of the solution. To adequately complete this section, a Feasibility Study may need to be
initiated to quantify the likelihood of achieving the desired project result. To assess the overall feasibility
assess the project in respect of each component in the following table, and write a short paragraph to support
the assessment in each category.
Topic Rating (1-10) Method to Determine Feasibility
Operational Will it do the job required
Technical Is the technology available locally; has it been tested
Schedule Will it fit with current timetables; is there a deadline
Economic Cost/benefit analysis (resources and capabilities)
Legal Are there any legal/ contractual barriers
Summarise the most apparent risks associated with the adoption of this solution. Risks are defined as “any
event, which may adversely affect the ability of the solution to produce the required deliverables”. Risks may
be Strategic, Environmental, Financial, Operational, Technical, Industrial, Competitive or Customer related.
Description Likelihood Impact Mitigating Actions
Risk description 1 Low High Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 1
Risk description 2 Medium Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 2
Risk description 3 Low Medium Descriptions of mitigating actions for risk 3
Assignments should be submitted to the T3 2015 MIS782 Assignment 2 Business Case assignment folder,
which will be open for submission from November 11th to November 25th at 23.59.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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