A subject is defined as the NP which is external to X, and an object is defined as the NP which is a sister of X for all major categories. Give one example of each in a complete (I.e., no simplification) structural tree or show the distinction between the two in a single complete (i.e., no simplification) structural tree with necessary explanations.2-While objects of V and P occur as bare NPs, those of N and A occur as PP. What does this statement mean?one for the object of V, one for the object of P, one for the object of N, and one for the object of A, in four complete (i.e., no simplification) structural trees.In what sense can we say that the lexical entry for each verb will have to specify how many NPs and which NP gets which -role? What do we mean by saying that -roles are assigned by verbs and prepositions based on their individual -grids?Can a thematic relation a given NP will have be predicted, given only its structural position, such as subject and object?
Syntax Academic Essay