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Sustainable human resources management

Sustainable human resources management

Order Description

Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management.

Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions to a range of contemporary HR issues.

The question is:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..

Can you use the following books please and reference using these books and journals please:

“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
• Using information: Identify and use relevant academic literature to support analysis and to inform discussion of theories and concepts
• Analysis: Use of argument, models, evidence and techniques in the development of theory and practice
• Critical thinking: Objectively assess the relative contribution of different analytical approaches and theoretical perspectives.
• Presentation: Clarity of portfolio presentation, using appropriate English, with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, with appropriately referenced sources using the Harvard Referencing Methodology

Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Level 6

Work will often demonstrate some of the following features


The work varies from very good (70-79%), excellent (80-89%) to outstanding (in excess of 90%). Very good, possibly outstanding or exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in creative responses to the assignment brief and some telling insights. Clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based on an extensive range of relevant sources. Clarity of structure demonstrating complete focus of argument. Little or no obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax. Mature links made between relevant ideas, theories and practice.



Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full understanding of core issues. Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts. Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate

Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues. Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice. Some repeated errors in grammar or syntax possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly in places.

Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way. Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly. Limited coherence of structure.

Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident. Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.

No learning outcomes fully met. No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject. Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

To help you further (reading):
GUIDED READING: You should read the core texts thoroughly –
Ehnert, I. (2009) Sustainable Human Resource Management. A conceptual and exploratory analysis. New York, Springer. (This book is very expensive, hence copies in the Learning Centre)

Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhard & Wright (2012) Human Resource Management. Gaining a Competitive Advantage. Global edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
In addition these texts are particularly relevant.
Blowfield M & Murray A. (2014) Corporate Responsibilty. 3rd Ed. Oxford. OUP.
MacLoad, D. and Clarke, N. (2009), Engaging for Success: Enhancing Performance Through Employee Engagement, Crown Copyright, Dept for Business Innovation and Skills (BIR), London
Martell, L. (2010) The Sociology of Globalisation. Cambridge: Polity.
Pilbeam, S and Corbridge, M. (2010) People Resourcing and Talent Management: HRM in Practice. 4th ed. Harlow FT Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (2007) HRM, A Critical Text. London. Thomson
Thiele, L. (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge. Polity

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Sustainable human resources management

Sustainable human resources management

Order Description

Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management.

Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions to a range of contemporary HR issues.

The question is:
“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..

Can you use the following books please and reference using these books and journals please:

“As the language of sustainable development enters the business mainstream, the responsibility for managing social and environmental issues is slowly shifting from the corporate fringe to an important business function”.
Do you agree with all, or part, of this statement? Be careful to address all of the different concepts in your report..
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
• Using information: Identify and use relevant academic literature to support analysis and to inform discussion of theories and concepts
• Analysis: Use of argument, models, evidence and techniques in the development of theory and practice
• Critical thinking: Objectively assess the relative contribution of different analytical approaches and theoretical perspectives.
• Presentation: Clarity of portfolio presentation, using appropriate English, with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, with appropriately referenced sources using the Harvard Referencing Methodology

Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Level 6

Work will often demonstrate some of the following features


The work varies from very good (70-79%), excellent (80-89%) to outstanding (in excess of 90%). Very good, possibly outstanding or exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in creative responses to the assignment brief and some telling insights. Clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based on an extensive range of relevant sources. Clarity of structure demonstrating complete focus of argument. Little or no obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax. Mature links made between relevant ideas, theories and practice.



Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full understanding of core issues. Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts. Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate

Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues. Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice. Some repeated errors in grammar or syntax possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly in places.

Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way. Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly. Limited coherence of structure.

Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident. Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.

No learning outcomes fully met. No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject. Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

To help you further (reading):
GUIDED READING: You should read the core texts thoroughly –
Ehnert, I. (2009) Sustainable Human Resource Management. A conceptual and exploratory analysis. New York, Springer. (This book is very expensive, hence copies in the Learning Centre)

Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhard & Wright (2012) Human Resource Management. Gaining a Competitive Advantage. Global edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
In addition these texts are particularly relevant.
Blowfield M & Murray A. (2014) Corporate Responsibilty. 3rd Ed. Oxford. OUP.
MacLoad, D. and Clarke, N. (2009), Engaging for Success: Enhancing Performance Through Employee Engagement, Crown Copyright, Dept for Business Innovation and Skills (BIR), London
Martell, L. (2010) The Sociology of Globalisation. Cambridge: Polity.
Pilbeam, S and Corbridge, M. (2010) People Resourcing and Talent Management: HRM in Practice. 4th ed. Harlow FT Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (2007) HRM, A Critical Text. London. Thomson
Thiele, L. (2013) Sustainability. Cambridge. Polity

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