Programme Title MSc Global Meetings & Events Module Title Sustainability and Ethics in Events
Module Code 1337Assignment Title Sustainability Analysis of Sochi Winter Olympics 2014Level 7Weighting 70%Lecturers Catherine Parker, Sarah EdwardsW/C Hand Out Date 29/09/2016Due Date By 16:00 on 16/11/2016FT
By 19:00 on 18/11/2016 PTFeedback Post Date 16/12/2016Assignment Format EssayAssignment Length 3,500-4000 wordsSubmission Format e-Submission
Assignment Remit
You are to critically evaluate the principals of ethical and responsible behaviour of the global event operations at the Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014, in meeting their environmental, social and economic obligations.Drawing upon a wide range of comparative examples, critically analyse the Sochi Winter Olympics in terms of the current trends and contemporary issues relating to sustainability and ethics in global event practiceThe Sochi Winter Olympics Sustainability Report is at:
The Official Sochi Winter Olympic Report 2014 at
Module Learning Outcomes:Learning outcomes 1 and 2 are covered by this assignment:i. Critically examine the principles of ethical and responsible behaviour of global event operations in meeting their environmental, social and economic obligations to their stakeholders.
ii. Critically analyse the current contemporary issues and trends relating to sustainability and ethics in global event business practices.Grading Criteria (Edit in criteria to be used
UCBs Generic Grading Criteria for HE work at Level 7 apply to this assignment:
Please note that this assignment represents your own individual efforts/contribution (for approved team assessments). UCB policy in case of plagiarism will apply:
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Sustainability and Ethics in Events