Observation Summary (1 point): Summarize your observations from the video Dracos Transition to Group Time.
Developmental Stages and Domains (2.5 points): Based on your observations, explain the stage of development and domain the child is in, including (a) stage of physical and motor development, (b) stage of social-emotional development, (c) stage of self-help development, (d) stage of cognitive development, and (e) stage of language development.
Typical Development (1.5 point): Explain the typical development you observed in Dracos Transition to Group Time video, including any concerns with the development of the toddler in the video for the age of the child.
Developmental Support Strategies (2 points): Based on your observation and your desired professional role, explain how you might support this stage with developmentally appropriate practices. In addition, explain what your environment might look like or include.Written Communication ExpectationsPage Requirement (0.5 points): Two pages, excluding title and references pages.
APA Formatting (0.5 points): Use APA 6th edition formatting, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, consistently throughout the assignment.
Syntax and Mechanics (0.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Source Requirement (0.5 points): References the textbook and video resources for the assignment and at least two additional scholarly sources to provide compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment
Summarize your observations from the video Dracos Transition to Group Time.