Summarize 8 peer reviewed articles on a end of life topic. Must include a 1-paragraph summary of each source. Summary must be in your words. MUST ONLY be 4 sentences. Summarize the article in 4 sentences. (1) Introduction (2) Method (3) Results (4) Discussion Make them as simple as possible
Format required: (1) In your own words that you understand, 1 sentence each of : Introduction, Method, Results (can be quantitative), Discussion (4 sentences in all)
Intro Give a scientific rationale for this study. Why did they conduct this research?
Method What types of tests were used on what type of population. (Who were the participants, what materials were used, the procedure did they email the questionnaires or hand out copies?)
Results State the results whether they were quantitative or qualitative (Focus on the significant result, that ties with the introduction)
Discussion What do the results mean?
At least 3 summaries can fit on one page.
Summarize 8 peer reviewed articles on a end of life topic