Suggestions for Topics or Themes in Feminist Art (Choose one or see me if you have a particular area or subject of interest you wish to explore for your research paper. Social Practice Art (Suzanne Lacy, Basia Irland, Lucy Orta, Judy Baca, Marjetica Potrc, Mierle Ukeles)
Feminism and Technology (Video, Computers, Internet etc.)
Cyberfeminisim (Lynn Hershman, see writings Donna Haraway)
Womens Representations of Men (see Sylvia Sleigh, Joan Semmel)
Native American Women Artists (Jaune Quick to See, Maria Martinez, Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie, Carm Little Turtle)
African American Women Artists Carrie Mae Weems, Lorna Simpson, Kara Walker, Elizabeth Caitlett, Mickalene Thomas, Howardina Pindell
Women Artists in Africa Bernie Searles, Marlene Dumas,
Latin American Women Artists Frida Kahlo, Remedios Varos, Lenora Carrington, Graciela Iturbides)
Women Artists in Central or South America (or Cuba) Doris Salcedo, Lygia Clark, Marta Minujin, Tania Bruguera, Ana Mendieta,
Asian American Women Artists Yayoi Kusama, Yoko Ono, Shigeko Kubota
Women Artists in Asia (Shazia Sikander, Nalini Malini, Zarina Hashmi
Arab American Women Artists Shirin Neshat, Nibras Theatre Collective, Laila Essaydi
Women Artists in the Arab world (Etel Adnan, Mona Hatoum, Shirin Neshat, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Gada Amer)
Feminist Film and Filmmakers (Maya Deren, Chantal Ackerman, Agnes Varda, Trinh T. Minh Ha, Carolee Schneemann, Joyce Wieland, Lida Abdul, see Women Make Movies, Electronic Arts Intermix)
Art and Autobiography in Womens Art (see Sophie Calle, Annette Messager
Sexual Identity and Representation Carolee Schneemann
Women as Vampires, Femmes Fatales, and Other Threatening Female Representations PinUp Girls, Maria Elena Buszek
Humor and Feminism Guerilla Girls
Feminist Performance Art Marina Abramovic, Rachel Rosenthal, Joan Jonas, Karen Finley
Women and Photography Dorothea Lange, Diane Arbus, Mary Ellen Mark, Imogene Cunningham, Tina Modotti, Catherine Opie
Feminist Art Critics/Historians (Lucy Lippard, Griselda Pollock, Marsha Tucker, Lisa Tickner, bell hooks, Linda Nochlin, Trinh T. Minh Ha, Arlene Raven, Mira Schor etc.)
Images of Motherhood see PowerPoint
The Lesbian Voice in Contemporary Art
Women and the Decorative Arts (Eileen Gray, Ray Eames,
Representing the Body in Womens Art
Why Are There No Great Female Architects? (Zaha Hadid)
Women and Design see Modern Women MOMA
Groundbreaking Exhibitions or Installations on Women Artists or Feminist Art
Womens Art Collectives
Feminist Art and the Environment (Ecofeminism) Helen Harrison, Mierle Ukeles, Agnes Denes, Basia Irland,
Nineteenth-Century Women: artists and/or as art subjects
Women and The Early 20th Century Avant-Garde Delaunay, Arp, Anni Albers
Women and Surrealism or Abstract Expressionism Meret Oppenheim, Lee Miller
pick one: Gauguins/Renoirs/Picassos/Matisses/De Koonings/Salles Representations of Women
Post-feminism: Cultural Myth/Backlash/Media InventionBIBLIOGRAPHY
ART HISTORY AND FEMINISMSelected Sources From the University Library (Please note that the list only represents a fraction of the libraries holdings; browse the stacks for more resources including artist
monographs).Brooklyn Museum Feminist Art Research Database Link: Art Project, Rutgers University link: Reference:Anderson, Janet. Women in the Fine Arts: A Bibliography and Illustration Guide. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1991. REF. N8354 .A47 1991Chiarmonte, Paula L, ed. Women artists in the United States: a selective bibliography and resource guide on the fine and decorative arts, 1750-1986. Boston: G.H. Hall, 1990. REF. N6536 .W65 1990.Gablik, Suzi, ed. Conversations Before the End of Time. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995.Gablik, Suzi. The Renechantment of Art. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992.Gaze, Delia, et al., ed. Dictionary of Women Artists. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1997.Harbach, Barbara and Diane Touliatos-Miles, Eds. Women in the Arts : Eccentric Essays In Music, Visual Arts And Literature. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, and Kevin Hillstrom. Contemporary Women Artists. Detroit: St. James Press, 1999.Peterson, Karen, and J. J. Wilson, Women Artists: Recognition and Reappraisal from the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth century. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.Pettys, Chris. Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1985.For an excellent electronic resource see: Sources From the Librarys Collection:Donna G. Bachmann. Women Artists: Bibliography: An Historical, Contemporary, and Feminist Bibliography, Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press, 1978.Battersby, Christine. Gender and Genius: Towards a New Feminist Aesthetic, Indiana University Press, 1989.Beckett, Wendy. Contemporary Women Artists, New York: Universe Books, 1988.Betterton, Rosemary. An Intimate Distance. Women, Artists and the Body. New York: Routledge, 1996.Blaetz, Robin, ed. Womens Experimental Cinema : Critical Frameworks. Durham : Duke University Press, 2007.Brand, Peg Zeglin, ed. 2000. Beauty Matters. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. xvBroude, Norma, and Mary Garrard, eds. Feminist Art History. Questioning the Litany. New York: Harper and Row/Icon editions, 1982.*-. Expanding the Discourse. Feminism and Art History. New York: Harper Collins/Icon Editions, 1992.*-. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s. History and Impact. New York: Harry Abrams, 1994.Buszek, Maria Elena. Pin-up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture. Duke University Press, 2006.Buszek, Maria Elena. Extra/Ordinary: Craft and Contemporary Art. Duke University Press, 2011.
Butler, Cornelia, Lisa Gabrielle Mark (Eds). WACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution
MIT Press, 2007.
Caws, Mary Ann. The Surrealist Look. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1997.Chadwick, Whitney, ed. Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-Representation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.Danze, E. Architecture and Feminism. Yale Publications on Architecture, 1997.*Deepwell, Katy. Women Artists and Modernism. New York: St. Martins, Press, 1998.________________. Women Artists Between the Wars: A fair field and no favour.
Manchester University Press, 2010.Ecker, Gisela, ed. Feminist Aesthetics. Trans. by Harriet Anderson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.*Freeland, Cynthia. 2001. But is it Art? Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. xxi*Fusco, Coco. The Bodies That Were Not Ours and Other Writings. New York: Rougtledge, 2001.*Glessing, Jennifer, et al., Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose: Gender Performance in Photography, New York: Abrams, 1997.*Guerrilla Girls. Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls. New York: Harper Collins, 1995.Guerilla Girls. The Guerrilla Girls Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art
Penguin Books, 1998.
Hanley, JoAnn. The First Generation: Women and Video, 1970-75. New York: Independent Curators Inc., 1993.*Haraway, Donna. Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium. FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1997.Harris, Ann Sutherland, and Linda Nochlin, Women Artists: 1550-1950. New York: Alfred Khnopf, 1977.*Hart, Lynda, and Peggy Phelan. Acting Out. Feminist Performances. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993.
Heartney, Eleanor, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, Sue Scott.
After the Revolution: Women Who Transformed Contemporary Art. Prestel 2013.Heartney, Eleanor, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, Sue Scott.
The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium. Prestel, 2013.
Hedges, Elaine, and Ingrid Wendt eds. In Her Own Image, Old Westbury, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1980.*Hess, Thomas B., and Elizabeth C. Baker. Art and Sexual Politics. Womens Liberation, Women Artists, and Art History. New York: Macmillan, 1973.Hobhouse, Janet. The Bride Stripped Bare. The Artist and the Female Nude in the Twentieth Century. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.*Hook, Bailey Van. Angels of Art: Women and Art in American Society, 1876-1914. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Press, 1996.Huangfu, Binghui, ed. (Exhibition Catalog) Text & Subtext. Singapore : Earl Lu Gallery, 2000*Isaak, Joanna. Feminism and Contemporary Art. The Power of Revolutionary Power of Womens Laughter. New York: Routledge, 1996.Johnson, Geraldine, and Sara F. Matthews Grieco, eds. Picturing Women in Renaissance and Baroque Italy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.Jones, Amelia, ed. Sexual Politics: Judy Chicagos Dinner Party in Feminist Art History, exhib. cat., Armand Hammer Museum, UCLA. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996.*Jones, Amelia, ed. The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader. New York: Routledge, 2003.King, Catherine. Renaissance Women Patrons. Manchester University Press.Knight, Brenda. Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists, and Muses at the Heart of Revolution. Berkeley: Conari Press.Kolowsk-Ostrow, Ann Olga. Naked Truths. Women, Sexuality and Gender in Classical Art and Archeology.Lippard, Lucy. Changing: Essays in Art Criticism. New York: L.P. Dutton, 1971.*___________. From the Center: Feminist Essays on Womens Art. New York: Dutton 1976.*___________. The Pink Glass Swan: Selected Essays on Feminist Art. New York: New Press, 1995.*Lloyd, Fran, Ed. Contemporary Arab Womens Art: Dialogues of the Present. London: Womens Art Library, 1999.Marsh, Jan. Pre-Raphaelite Women: Images of Femininity. New York: Harmony Books, 1987.McDonald, Helen. Erotic Ambiguities: The Female Nude in Art. New York : Routledge, 2001.McQuiston, Liz. Suffragettes to She-Devils. Womens Liberation and Beyond. London: Phaidon, 1997.Meskimmon, Marsha.. WomenM akingA rt: History,S ubjectivity, Aesthetics. London and New York: Routledg, 2003.Mesa-Bains, Amalia. Another Life Up Inside Her Head: Chicana and Latina Artists From the Emerging Generation.*Miller, Lynn F., and Sally S. Swenson. Lives and Works, Talks With Women Artists, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1981.Munro, Eleanor C. Originals: American Women Artists. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979, 2nd ed. also available.Munder, Heike, Ed. Its Time for Action(Theres No Option). Migros Museum Fur Gegenwartskunst, 2007.*Nochlin, Linda. Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.*_____________. Global Feminisms: New Directions in Contemporary Art . London ; New York : Merrell ; Brooklyn, NY : Brooklyn Museum, 2007_____________. The body in pieces : the fragment as a metaphor of modernity.
New York : Thames and Hudson, 1994.Piland, Sherry. Women Artists: An historical, contemporary, and feminist bibliography. 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994.*Parker, Rozsika, and Griselda Pollock. Old Mistresses: Women, Art, and Ideology. 1987 edition (original 1981).-. Framing Feminism. Art and the Womens Movement 1970-1985. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.*Perry, Gill, ed. Gender and Art. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 1999.*Pollock, Griselda. Vision and Difference. Femininity, Feminism and the Histories of Art. New York: Routledge, 1988.-. Generations and Geographies in the Visual Arts. New York: Routledge, 1996.Puerto, Cecilia. Latin American Women Artists, Kahlo and Look Who Else. A Selective, Annotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.*Rabinovitz, Lauren. Points Of Resistance : Women, Power & Politics In The New York Avant-Garde Cinema, 1943-71. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2003Raven, Arlene, et al. ed. Feminist Art Criticism: An Anthology. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988.Reckitt, Helena, ed. Art and Feminism. Survey by Peggy Phelan. New York: Phaidon, 2001.Robinson, Hillary, ed. Visibly Female: Feminism and Art Today, New York: Universe Books, 1988.Robinson, Hilary. Feminism-Art-Theory: An Anthology 1968-2000. Wiley & Blackwell, 2001. 1st Edition.*Rosen, Randy, and Catherine C. Brawer, eds. Making Their Mark. Women Artists Move Into the Mainstream. New York: Abbeville Press, 1988.*Rothschild, Joan, ed. Design and Feminism: Re-visioning Spaces, Places, and Everyday Things. Rutgers University Press, 1999.Rubinstein, Charlotte Streifer. American Women Artists: from Early Indian Times to the Present. New York: Avon, 1982.*Shohat, Ella ed. Talking Visions. Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.Slatkin, Wendy. Women Artists In History: From Antiquity to the 20th century, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985.Suzack, Cheryl, Ed. Indigenous Women And Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture. Vancouver : UBC Press, 2010Terry, Jennifer. Processed Lives. Gender and Technology in Everyday Life.Tinagli, Paolo. Women in Renaissance Art. Manchester University Press.*Trinh, T. Minh-Ha (Thi Minh-Ha). Woman, Native, Other : Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1989.*Tucker, Marcia et al. Bad Girls. New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994.*-. Labor of Love. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1996.*-. The Time of our Lives. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1999.*WACK! : Art and the Feminist Revolution. Exhibition Catalog, organized by Cornelia Butler ; essays by Cornelia Butler [et al.] ; edited by Lisa Gabrielle Mark.
Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art ; Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2007.Waller, Susan. Women Artists in the Modern Era. A Documentary History, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1991.Wu, Hong, ed. Chinese Art at the Crossroads : between past and future, between East and West. London: Institute of International Visual Arts, c2001Wu, Hung with Jason McGrath and Stephanie Smith, eds. Displacement : the Three Gorges Dam and Contemporary Chinese Art. [translations by Peggy Wang and Xiao Tie] Chicago, IL : Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago : Distributed by the University of Chicago Press, 2008.*Zegher, Catherine de, ed. Inside the Visible: An Elliptical Traverse in, of, and from the Feminine, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.*Zelevanksy, Lynne. Sense and Sensibility: Women Artists and Minimalism in the 1990s. NY: MOMA, 1994
Suggestions for Topics or Themes in Feminist Art (Choose one or see me if you have a particular area or subject of interest you wish to explore for your research paper.