SUD and Co-Occurring BDP Treatment

October 18th, 2016
The following guidelines must be followed:
1. The article must be about some aspect of dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders. This could mean a new therapeutic intervention for heroin abusers with depression, an analysis of variables related to what kinds of people have which disorders, or anything else. This is a broad umbrella, so choose something that interests you (as long as you can find an article about it). Also be sure to pick an article you can understand. Some may be beyond your level of expertise, such as pharmacological studies.
2. The article must come from a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. Examples include Journal of Affective Disorders, Substance Abuse, etc. Check the appropriate boxes during your database search to insure that you only get these results.
3. The article must have been published no longer than 15 years ago. The newer, the better; however, some topics are not frequently examined so older is acceptable.
The final product of your research review will be a 1-2 page paper that includes the following:
– APA-style (6th ed.) citation for the article. Be sure your citation is correct, and know that the one used in the actual article may not be the right format (5 points)
– Description of the article (15 points each question): What were the research questions? How did they go about finding answers? What did they find? What were their conclusions?
– Think critically about this research (10 points each question): What were the problems with this research, if any? How might you use this information in your own clinical work with clients?
– Double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font, no grammatical or spelling errors (5 points)
– Class presentation: brief 5-minute review of your analysis. Bring in a copy of the original article (10 points)

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