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Assignment 1
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue.
Highest level of academic achievement expected.
Demonstrates in-depth knowledge.
Combines subject matter with creative and original thinking.
Critical or analytical thinking very evident.
Extensive wider reading evident.
Well cited references.
High quality work.
2500 words

Assignment 1-
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue

This assessment comprises a depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on contemporary Asian society. It is a research assignment designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the selected issue or issues of interest/relevance to you and your teaching. The study should be approximately 2500 words in total. .
Scope of Assessment
For purposes of this assessment, ‘contemporary’ may be interpreted flexibly to cover the period from the present to the last twenty years or so. . Your interpretation of the term issue should be in line with the range of meanings established during the course. The issue(s) may be country-specific, regional or global in scale. Types of issues may include the following:
• Political • Cultural
• Social • Environmental
• Economic • Multi- faceted …
• Religious/moral
1. Research your selected issue or issues, locating, listing and utilising a range of references. References may take any form and include books, book chapters, journal articles, videos/films, relevant web sites, etc. Your reference list should only include the most informative and valuable references.
2. Write a report of the issue(s), taking care to address and incorporate the following factors:
• What is/was at the heart of this issue?
• What general factors gave rise to the context in which the issue emerged and grew, and what specific factors precipitated it into becoming a major issue?
• What range of points of view exists/existed in relation to the issue? (both within and beyond the country /region concerned)
• Once the issue was established as a major one, did it unfold in predictable or unpredictable ways?
• How was the issue resolved how is it being resolved how is it likely to be resolved?
• What evidence exists for this issue and how valid is the evidence?

Assignment checklist
Use the information below as a checklist to assist you to evaluate your assignment before you submit it, by considering the criteria regarded as important by those who will assess the assignment. You also may need to consider specific requirements for assessment indicated by the lecturer.
For example: clear understanding of issues; topic covered in depth; wider context considered; own opinion offered appropriately; insight; originality;’ analysis supported by data; pertinent research; evidence from texts
For example: logical development of argument; ideas linked meaningfully; hypothesis, topic or issue(s) clearly stated in introduction; appendices used effectively
For example: legible; clearly set out; headings; graphics/tables inserted appropriately; clear and easy to read; pages numbered; margins; line spacing
For example: succinct; fluent; clear; appropriate word use
For example: spelling; grammar; paragraphing; punctuation; correct use of units and quantities; accurate citation of sources/references

Examples of student assignment choices for Contemporary Issues & Values .
Assignment 1
Depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on a contemporary Asian society
Replication & impact of Keiretsu structures & networks in Asia
Changing role of women in Japanese Society today
Beijing 1989 – the Tiananmen Massacre .
Families in SE Asia – facing fundamental change
Indonesia – the future of the Wahid presidency and democ/econ reform
Child labour in contemporary Asia
Ainu of Japan & aborigines of Australia in contemporary society
Child labour exploitation in Asia . .
Gender & its impact on women & the labour market in contemp. Asia
Strangers in a familiar land – ethnic Chinese in peninsula Malaysia
Female infanticide – India
Contemporary Malaysia – Mahatir Mohamad & Anwar Ibrahim
1997 Forest Fires of Indonesia – who or what caused them?
Developing South Australia as a place of study.for students from Asia
Falun Gong -harmless or threat to law & order?
Aust – Indonesia relations -:-roller coaster or hist/cult predictable?
New directions in foreign policy – Aust, Indonesia &E. Timor
Does gender equality exist in the Republic of Korea today?
US national missile defence system and NE Asian security
Environmental pollution in China .
Intellectual agency ill China – censorship and intellectual freedom
The ongoing issue of the Timor Gap
The Yasakuni Shrine – exploring the controversy
Burma crisis, 2007• .
The problem of corruption – Cambodia
East Timor – from colony to democracy
Falun Gong: What is it and does it pose a threat to the Chinese govt?
The phenomenon of the female suicide bomber (esp. in Palestine)
The Tiananmen Square massacre
Beijing Olympic Games 2008
Hidden apartheid – India
Environmental impact on contemporary Asian society
Impact of the Bali Attack: social &economic perspectives
China’s migrant workers
Internal migration -issue of concern for countries in Asia
The economic dragon awakes: a look at the Chinese economy
Sharing the Timor Sea resources – a fair deal for all
The Mekong – a regional study
The Imperial family in contemporary Japan
Understanding Democracy building process and international aid in Cambodia
The impact of the tsunami in Aceh
Impact of increased vehicle ownership in China
China’s family planning policy
Tibet, China and the unfolding drama of the Panchen Lama
Landmines in Vietnam
Rural – Urban divide in China, reflected in income disparity
Proliferation of nuclear weapons by North Korea
Australian Aid Abroad in the Asian Region
Indonesia – Conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi
The One Child Policy in China
Malaysian/Indonesian Palm Oil Plantations: Environmental/Cultural disaster or
Economic/ Environmental saviour
Tiananmen Square.: Incident or Massacre?
Orphanages in China – 10 Years On
West Papuan Asylum Seekers
Mopping up – responses to the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia
Trafficking of Asian sex workers in Australia
China’s Health Care System rieeds Reform
Avian flu
The plight of the orangutan
The impact on Laos of hydroelectric developments on the Mekong River
Contemporary Indian women
A growing Singapore – issues around water
Traditional Chinese medicine and the illegal wildlife trade

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Order Description


Assignment 1
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue.
Highest level of academic achievement expected.
Demonstrates in-depth knowledge.
Combines subject matter with creative and original thinking.
Critical or analytical thinking very evident.
Extensive wider reading evident.
Well cited references.
High quality work.
2500 words

Assignment 1-
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue

This assessment comprises a depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on contemporary Asian society. It is a research assignment designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the selected issue or issues of interest/relevance to you and your teaching. The study should be approximately 2500 words in total. .
Scope of Assessment
For purposes of this assessment, ‘contemporary’ may be interpreted flexibly to cover the period from the present to the last twenty years or so. . Your interpretation of the term issue should be in line with the range of meanings established during the course. The issue(s) may be country-specific, regional or global in scale. Types of issues may include the following:
• Political • Cultural
• Social • Environmental
• Economic • Multi- faceted …
• Religious/moral
1. Research your selected issue or issues, locating, listing and utilising a range of references. References may take any form and include books, book chapters, journal articles, videos/films, relevant web sites, etc. Your reference list should only include the most informative and valuable references.
2. Write a report of the issue(s), taking care to address and incorporate the following factors:
• What is/was at the heart of this issue?
• What general factors gave rise to the context in which the issue emerged and grew, and what specific factors precipitated it into becoming a major issue?
• What range of points of view exists/existed in relation to the issue? (both within and beyond the country /region concerned)
• Once the issue was established as a major one, did it unfold in predictable or unpredictable ways?
• How was the issue resolved how is it being resolved how is it likely to be resolved?
• What evidence exists for this issue and how valid is the evidence?

Assignment checklist
Use the information below as a checklist to assist you to evaluate your assignment before you submit it, by considering the criteria regarded as important by those who will assess the assignment. You also may need to consider specific requirements for assessment indicated by the lecturer.
For example: clear understanding of issues; topic covered in depth; wider context considered; own opinion offered appropriately; insight; originality;’ analysis supported by data; pertinent research; evidence from texts
For example: logical development of argument; ideas linked meaningfully; hypothesis, topic or issue(s) clearly stated in introduction; appendices used effectively
For example: legible; clearly set out; headings; graphics/tables inserted appropriately; clear and easy to read; pages numbered; margins; line spacing
For example: succinct; fluent; clear; appropriate word use
For example: spelling; grammar; paragraphing; punctuation; correct use of units and quantities; accurate citation of sources/references

Examples of student assignment choices for Contemporary Issues & Values .
Assignment 1
Depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on a contemporary Asian society
Replication & impact of Keiretsu structures & networks in Asia
Changing role of women in Japanese Society today
Beijing 1989 – the Tiananmen Massacre .
Families in SE Asia – facing fundamental change
Indonesia – the future of the Wahid presidency and democ/econ reform
Child labour in contemporary Asia
Ainu of Japan & aborigines of Australia in contemporary society
Child labour exploitation in Asia . .
Gender & its impact on women & the labour market in contemp. Asia
Strangers in a familiar land – ethnic Chinese in peninsula Malaysia
Female infanticide – India
Contemporary Malaysia – Mahatir Mohamad & Anwar Ibrahim
1997 Forest Fires of Indonesia – who or what caused them?
Developing South Australia as a place of study.for students from Asia
Falun Gong -harmless or threat to law & order?
Aust – Indonesia relations -:-roller coaster or hist/cult predictable?
New directions in foreign policy – Aust, Indonesia &E. Timor
Does gender equality exist in the Republic of Korea today?
US national missile defence system and NE Asian security
Environmental pollution in China .
Intellectual agency ill China – censorship and intellectual freedom
The ongoing issue of the Timor Gap
The Yasakuni Shrine – exploring the controversy
Burma crisis, 2007• .
The problem of corruption – Cambodia
East Timor – from colony to democracy
Falun Gong: What is it and does it pose a threat to the Chinese govt?
The phenomenon of the female suicide bomber (esp. in Palestine)
The Tiananmen Square massacre
Beijing Olympic Games 2008
Hidden apartheid – India
Environmental impact on contemporary Asian society
Impact of the Bali Attack: social &economic perspectives
China’s migrant workers
Internal migration -issue of concern for countries in Asia
The economic dragon awakes: a look at the Chinese economy
Sharing the Timor Sea resources – a fair deal for all
The Mekong – a regional study
The Imperial family in contemporary Japan
Understanding Democracy building process and international aid in Cambodia
The impact of the tsunami in Aceh
Impact of increased vehicle ownership in China
China’s family planning policy
Tibet, China and the unfolding drama of the Panchen Lama
Landmines in Vietnam
Rural – Urban divide in China, reflected in income disparity
Proliferation of nuclear weapons by North Korea
Australian Aid Abroad in the Asian Region
Indonesia – Conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi
The One Child Policy in China
Malaysian/Indonesian Palm Oil Plantations: Environmental/Cultural disaster or
Economic/ Environmental saviour
Tiananmen Square.: Incident or Massacre?
Orphanages in China – 10 Years On
West Papuan Asylum Seekers
Mopping up – responses to the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia
Trafficking of Asian sex workers in Australia
China’s Health Care System rieeds Reform
Avian flu
The plight of the orangutan
The impact on Laos of hydroelectric developments on the Mekong River
Contemporary Indian women
A growing Singapore – issues around water
Traditional Chinese medicine and the illegal wildlife trade

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



Order Description


Assignment 1
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue.
Highest level of academic achievement expected.
Demonstrates in-depth knowledge.
Combines subject matter with creative and original thinking.
Critical or analytical thinking very evident.
Extensive wider reading evident.
Well cited references.
High quality work.
2500 words

Assignment 1-
Depth analysis of a selected contemporary issue

This assessment comprises a depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on contemporary Asian society. It is a research assignment designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the selected issue or issues of interest/relevance to you and your teaching. The study should be approximately 2500 words in total. .
Scope of Assessment
For purposes of this assessment, ‘contemporary’ may be interpreted flexibly to cover the period from the present to the last twenty years or so. . Your interpretation of the term issue should be in line with the range of meanings established during the course. The issue(s) may be country-specific, regional or global in scale. Types of issues may include the following:
• Political • Cultural
• Social • Environmental
• Economic • Multi- faceted …
• Religious/moral
1. Research your selected issue or issues, locating, listing and utilising a range of references. References may take any form and include books, book chapters, journal articles, videos/films, relevant web sites, etc. Your reference list should only include the most informative and valuable references.
2. Write a report of the issue(s), taking care to address and incorporate the following factors:
• What is/was at the heart of this issue?
• What general factors gave rise to the context in which the issue emerged and grew, and what specific factors precipitated it into becoming a major issue?
• What range of points of view exists/existed in relation to the issue? (both within and beyond the country /region concerned)
• Once the issue was established as a major one, did it unfold in predictable or unpredictable ways?
• How was the issue resolved how is it being resolved how is it likely to be resolved?
• What evidence exists for this issue and how valid is the evidence?

Assignment checklist
Use the information below as a checklist to assist you to evaluate your assignment before you submit it, by considering the criteria regarded as important by those who will assess the assignment. You also may need to consider specific requirements for assessment indicated by the lecturer.
For example: clear understanding of issues; topic covered in depth; wider context considered; own opinion offered appropriately; insight; originality;’ analysis supported by data; pertinent research; evidence from texts
For example: logical development of argument; ideas linked meaningfully; hypothesis, topic or issue(s) clearly stated in introduction; appendices used effectively
For example: legible; clearly set out; headings; graphics/tables inserted appropriately; clear and easy to read; pages numbered; margins; line spacing
For example: succinct; fluent; clear; appropriate word use
For example: spelling; grammar; paragraphing; punctuation; correct use of units and quantities; accurate citation of sources/references

Examples of student assignment choices for Contemporary Issues & Values .
Assignment 1
Depth study of one or two selected major issues impacting on a contemporary Asian society
Replication & impact of Keiretsu structures & networks in Asia
Changing role of women in Japanese Society today
Beijing 1989 – the Tiananmen Massacre .
Families in SE Asia – facing fundamental change
Indonesia – the future of the Wahid presidency and democ/econ reform
Child labour in contemporary Asia
Ainu of Japan & aborigines of Australia in contemporary society
Child labour exploitation in Asia . .
Gender & its impact on women & the labour market in contemp. Asia
Strangers in a familiar land – ethnic Chinese in peninsula Malaysia
Female infanticide – India
Contemporary Malaysia – Mahatir Mohamad & Anwar Ibrahim
1997 Forest Fires of Indonesia – who or what caused them?
Developing South Australia as a place of study.for students from Asia
Falun Gong -harmless or threat to law & order?
Aust – Indonesia relations -:-roller coaster or hist/cult predictable?
New directions in foreign policy – Aust, Indonesia &E. Timor
Does gender equality exist in the Republic of Korea today?
US national missile defence system and NE Asian security
Environmental pollution in China .
Intellectual agency ill China – censorship and intellectual freedom
The ongoing issue of the Timor Gap
The Yasakuni Shrine – exploring the controversy
Burma crisis, 2007• .
The problem of corruption – Cambodia
East Timor – from colony to democracy
Falun Gong: What is it and does it pose a threat to the Chinese govt?
The phenomenon of the female suicide bomber (esp. in Palestine)
The Tiananmen Square massacre
Beijing Olympic Games 2008
Hidden apartheid – India
Environmental impact on contemporary Asian society
Impact of the Bali Attack: social &economic perspectives
China’s migrant workers
Internal migration -issue of concern for countries in Asia
The economic dragon awakes: a look at the Chinese economy
Sharing the Timor Sea resources – a fair deal for all
The Mekong – a regional study
The Imperial family in contemporary Japan
Understanding Democracy building process and international aid in Cambodia
The impact of the tsunami in Aceh
Impact of increased vehicle ownership in China
China’s family planning policy
Tibet, China and the unfolding drama of the Panchen Lama
Landmines in Vietnam
Rural – Urban divide in China, reflected in income disparity
Proliferation of nuclear weapons by North Korea
Australian Aid Abroad in the Asian Region
Indonesia – Conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi
The One Child Policy in China
Malaysian/Indonesian Palm Oil Plantations: Environmental/Cultural disaster or
Economic/ Environmental saviour
Tiananmen Square.: Incident or Massacre?
Orphanages in China – 10 Years On
West Papuan Asylum Seekers
Mopping up – responses to the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia
Trafficking of Asian sex workers in Australia
China’s Health Care System rieeds Reform
Avian flu
The plight of the orangutan
The impact on Laos of hydroelectric developments on the Mekong River
Contemporary Indian women
A growing Singapore – issues around water
Traditional Chinese medicine and the illegal wildlife trade

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