Order Description
Timed essay: Students have to show in this individual, summative assignment that they can integrate both the theoretical/conceptual and empirical knowledge that they have acquired during this module (with reference to their own material, under time constraint). ?
It also tests basic written presentation, and rudimentary research skills. ?
Extensions are not usually granted. ?
Part A (1500)
Either select a country (defined) and analyse/ discuss it in context. (essay style intro, body, conclusion. Bullets not usually used) ?Or ?
Research a short piece on a company and discuss it. ?(Report Style Executive summary, key points laid out in sections (1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc), clear conclusion) ?
Part B (1500)
Compare and contrast two pieces of theory Or
Debate a model in context
(Both academic essay style analysis. Introduction, body, clear conclusion that answers the questions set).
Only 1500 words each
word count and strategies
Take a quick look at both. Undertake some *short* preliminary literature search. ?
Decide which is most accessible and interesting for you. ?
Dont decide based just on perception of ease of the question! It ?may be that there is more info but harder to synthesise. The other way is that you love the question but find less info so harder for you. This will be most relevant for part 001. ?
Base it on what you can get in short time and what you think will be best for your study style ?
Students have to show in this individual, summative assignment that they can integrate both the theoretical/conceptual and empirical knowledge that they have acquired during this module (with reference to their own material, under time constraint). ?