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Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Order Description

Dear writer

Answer this question as new graduate nurse as good leader
Allocated students will research the topic ‘Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence’ and complete a PowerPoint presentation to their peers illustrating how competence in the topic area will make them a good leader, i.e. to manage patients, staff and work well as a team member.

this speech presentation ,
could you please add the main point or outline in 2 slides PowerPoint. and the rest of the words writer it in papers.

Introduction (Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence)
Becoming part of the team is much more than TeamSTEPPS® even though using all of the prescribed elements of TeamSTEPPS® contributes significantly to team success in acute situations. As a new graduate registered nurse you will have to settle in to a new situation. However, even highly desirable change can be stressful at the beginning.  Emotionally you need to see any move as an adventure, a chance to learn and expand. Since it is inevitable, aim to get absolutely everything you can out of it. Regulating your emotional responses is critical, so develop a plan to explore all of the new situation and the people involved. See any new situation as a fresh start and be a new person in a new area.

Emotions matter is the overarching principle with regard to emotional intelligence (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). Early researchers had to overcome the commonly held notion that emotions were to be taken out of the equation and that people could function independently or were considered robotic. Emotional intelligence can affect decision making and is considered more important than IQ with regard to future success (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013).

Emotional intelligence is defined as: a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
(Johns Hopkins University n.d., p. 1)

The skills to recognise emotions, understanding emotions and how they affect behaviour, labelling emotions accurately which means having a sophisticated vocabulary to describe the full range of emotions, expressing emotions appropriately, regulating emotions effectively are critical in nursing (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). By sensing others feelings and perspective, taking an active interest in their concerns the emotionally intelligent nurse does not take things personally and is able to accurately identify the emotional side of issues, such as the fear that underlies what appears to be demanding behaviour.

Emotional intelligence involves being able to use your emotions effectively (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013):
•Positive mood may enable problem solving and creativity. An increase in confidence with regard to capabilities. Improved memory may also be present at these times.
•Anxiety motivates better preparation for tests and exams etc.
•Mood swings may assist with considering a wider variety of outcomes and better preparation.
•Negative mood may enable empathy or a focus on detail or critique.

Regulating emotions is helpful to the new graduate registered nurse; tune in to people, their interests, their concerns, so that your own self-consciousness reduces. People paid the compliment of undivided attention do respond positively in most instances. If you have tried your best then the problem is probably the other person’s, a headache, concerns at home, a recent loss or many other reasons that could have doomed your encounter from the beginning. Having empathy for other people is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. Show people you like them, greeted by a smile, genuine warmth and sympathetic interest, even those who are shy and insecure (these insecurities afflict preceptors and other staff at all levels) are likely to respond positively. Emotionally you need to send out positive signals, negative thinking such as ‘I am dreading this, I wish I could go home … no one will talk to me’, will show on your face and body language, you will be sending out subconscious signals that people will feel. It is often you who create your own reality.

There are many responsibilities and accountabilities that cannot easily be tested as an undergraduate (Hickey 2009). The skills to endure hardship, the skills of emotional intelligence and conflict are all strategies that may assist the NGRN (Hart et al. 2012).

Further information

Activity 3—Emotional intelligence competencies in nursin

You will be directed through a number of exercises by your lecturer including the following:

In your groups/as a whole group:

1   Review the pre-tutorial activity where you consulted the ‘Nursing core performance standards and capabilities and emotional intelligence’, developed by Johns Hopkins University, and asked yourself ‘how successful am I in each of these areas?’.
?If you feel comfortable, discuss any insights that result from completing the self-assessment.
?What areas do you need to work on, if any?

2   Undertake activities with regard to RULER and the MOOD METER as directed:

Recognising emotions in self and others

Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions

Labelling emotions accurately

Expressing emotions appropriately

Regulating emotions effectively

It includes valuing the importance of learning and teaching these skills to promote effective personal, social and workplace success.

(Sourced from: Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013, ‘Ruler Overview,’ http://ei.yale.edu/ruler/ruler-overview/)

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Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Order Description

Dear writer

Answer this question as new graduate nurse as good leader
Allocated students will research the topic ‘Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence’ and complete a PowerPoint presentation to their peers illustrating how competence in the topic area will make them a good leader, i.e. to manage patients, staff and work well as a team member.

this speech presentation ,
could you please add the main point or outline in 2 slides PowerPoint. and the rest of the words writer it in papers.

Introduction (Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence)
Becoming part of the team is much more than TeamSTEPPS® even though using all of the prescribed elements of TeamSTEPPS® contributes significantly to team success in acute situations. As a new graduate registered nurse you will have to settle in to a new situation. However, even highly desirable change can be stressful at the beginning.  Emotionally you need to see any move as an adventure, a chance to learn and expand. Since it is inevitable, aim to get absolutely everything you can out of it. Regulating your emotional responses is critical, so develop a plan to explore all of the new situation and the people involved. See any new situation as a fresh start and be a new person in a new area.

Emotions matter is the overarching principle with regard to emotional intelligence (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). Early researchers had to overcome the commonly held notion that emotions were to be taken out of the equation and that people could function independently or were considered robotic. Emotional intelligence can affect decision making and is considered more important than IQ with regard to future success (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013).

Emotional intelligence is defined as: a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
(Johns Hopkins University n.d., p. 1)

The skills to recognise emotions, understanding emotions and how they affect behaviour, labelling emotions accurately which means having a sophisticated vocabulary to describe the full range of emotions, expressing emotions appropriately, regulating emotions effectively are critical in nursing (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). By sensing others feelings and perspective, taking an active interest in their concerns the emotionally intelligent nurse does not take things personally and is able to accurately identify the emotional side of issues, such as the fear that underlies what appears to be demanding behaviour.

Emotional intelligence involves being able to use your emotions effectively (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013):
•Positive mood may enable problem solving and creativity. An increase in confidence with regard to capabilities. Improved memory may also be present at these times.
•Anxiety motivates better preparation for tests and exams etc.
•Mood swings may assist with considering a wider variety of outcomes and better preparation.
•Negative mood may enable empathy or a focus on detail or critique.

Regulating emotions is helpful to the new graduate registered nurse; tune in to people, their interests, their concerns, so that your own self-consciousness reduces. People paid the compliment of undivided attention do respond positively in most instances. If you have tried your best then the problem is probably the other person’s, a headache, concerns at home, a recent loss or many other reasons that could have doomed your encounter from the beginning. Having empathy for other people is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. Show people you like them, greeted by a smile, genuine warmth and sympathetic interest, even those who are shy and insecure (these insecurities afflict preceptors and other staff at all levels) are likely to respond positively. Emotionally you need to send out positive signals, negative thinking such as ‘I am dreading this, I wish I could go home … no one will talk to me’, will show on your face and body language, you will be sending out subconscious signals that people will feel. It is often you who create your own reality.

There are many responsibilities and accountabilities that cannot easily be tested as an undergraduate (Hickey 2009). The skills to endure hardship, the skills of emotional intelligence and conflict are all strategies that may assist the NGRN (Hart et al. 2012).

Further information

Activity 3—Emotional intelligence competencies in nursin

You will be directed through a number of exercises by your lecturer including the following:

In your groups/as a whole group:

1   Review the pre-tutorial activity where you consulted the ‘Nursing core performance standards and capabilities and emotional intelligence’, developed by Johns Hopkins University, and asked yourself ‘how successful am I in each of these areas?’.
?If you feel comfortable, discuss any insights that result from completing the self-assessment.
?What areas do you need to work on, if any?

2   Undertake activities with regard to RULER and the MOOD METER as directed:

Recognising emotions in self and others

Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions

Labelling emotions accurately

Expressing emotions appropriately

Regulating emotions effectively

It includes valuing the importance of learning and teaching these skills to promote effective personal, social and workplace success.

(Sourced from: Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013, ‘Ruler Overview,’ http://ei.yale.edu/ruler/ruler-overview/)

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Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence

Order Description

Dear writer

Answer this question as new graduate nurse as good leader
Allocated students will research the topic ‘Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence’ and complete a PowerPoint presentation to their peers illustrating how competence in the topic area will make them a good leader, i.e. to manage patients, staff and work well as a team member.

this speech presentation ,
could you please add the main point or outline in 2 slides PowerPoint. and the rest of the words writer it in papers.

Introduction (Strategies to enhance emotional intelligence)
Becoming part of the team is much more than TeamSTEPPS® even though using all of the prescribed elements of TeamSTEPPS® contributes significantly to team success in acute situations. As a new graduate registered nurse you will have to settle in to a new situation. However, even highly desirable change can be stressful at the beginning.  Emotionally you need to see any move as an adventure, a chance to learn and expand. Since it is inevitable, aim to get absolutely everything you can out of it. Regulating your emotional responses is critical, so develop a plan to explore all of the new situation and the people involved. See any new situation as a fresh start and be a new person in a new area.

Emotions matter is the overarching principle with regard to emotional intelligence (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). Early researchers had to overcome the commonly held notion that emotions were to be taken out of the equation and that people could function independently or were considered robotic. Emotional intelligence can affect decision making and is considered more important than IQ with regard to future success (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013).

Emotional intelligence is defined as: a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
(Johns Hopkins University n.d., p. 1)

The skills to recognise emotions, understanding emotions and how they affect behaviour, labelling emotions accurately which means having a sophisticated vocabulary to describe the full range of emotions, expressing emotions appropriately, regulating emotions effectively are critical in nursing (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013). By sensing others feelings and perspective, taking an active interest in their concerns the emotionally intelligent nurse does not take things personally and is able to accurately identify the emotional side of issues, such as the fear that underlies what appears to be demanding behaviour.

Emotional intelligence involves being able to use your emotions effectively (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013):
•Positive mood may enable problem solving and creativity. An increase in confidence with regard to capabilities. Improved memory may also be present at these times.
•Anxiety motivates better preparation for tests and exams etc.
•Mood swings may assist with considering a wider variety of outcomes and better preparation.
•Negative mood may enable empathy or a focus on detail or critique.

Regulating emotions is helpful to the new graduate registered nurse; tune in to people, their interests, their concerns, so that your own self-consciousness reduces. People paid the compliment of undivided attention do respond positively in most instances. If you have tried your best then the problem is probably the other person’s, a headache, concerns at home, a recent loss or many other reasons that could have doomed your encounter from the beginning. Having empathy for other people is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. Show people you like them, greeted by a smile, genuine warmth and sympathetic interest, even those who are shy and insecure (these insecurities afflict preceptors and other staff at all levels) are likely to respond positively. Emotionally you need to send out positive signals, negative thinking such as ‘I am dreading this, I wish I could go home … no one will talk to me’, will show on your face and body language, you will be sending out subconscious signals that people will feel. It is often you who create your own reality.

There are many responsibilities and accountabilities that cannot easily be tested as an undergraduate (Hickey 2009). The skills to endure hardship, the skills of emotional intelligence and conflict are all strategies that may assist the NGRN (Hart et al. 2012).

Further information

Activity 3—Emotional intelligence competencies in nursin

You will be directed through a number of exercises by your lecturer including the following:

In your groups/as a whole group:

1   Review the pre-tutorial activity where you consulted the ‘Nursing core performance standards and capabilities and emotional intelligence’, developed by Johns Hopkins University, and asked yourself ‘how successful am I in each of these areas?’.
?If you feel comfortable, discuss any insights that result from completing the self-assessment.
?What areas do you need to work on, if any?

2   Undertake activities with regard to RULER and the MOOD METER as directed:

Recognising emotions in self and others

Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions

Labelling emotions accurately

Expressing emotions appropriately

Regulating emotions effectively

It includes valuing the importance of learning and teaching these skills to promote effective personal, social and workplace success.

(Sourced from: Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013, ‘Ruler Overview,’ http://ei.yale.edu/ruler/ruler-overview/)

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