Part 4 Recommendations (due in Week 5): The final part of your comprehensive project incorporates your recommendations. Based on your work in Parts 1, 2, and 3, provide 2-3 recommendations to organizational leadership that would resolve the problem/issue in question. Be sure to detail any challenges the organization should consider in implementing your recommendations (culture, motivation, etc.) and your strategy to overcome these challenges. The recommendations section should be 2-3 pages. The Final Paper due at the end of Week 5 will comprise Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. It should begin with an Executive Summary, which is an abbreviated capture of the entire paper and as such should touch upon all major points while engaging the reader. The final paper should be 8-10 pages.
Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Signature Assignment: Critical Thinking, Emphasized Level)
Global companies require the alignment of their employees and partners not only on the strategy itself but also on the values needed to make that strategy successful. Values reflect and shape corporate culture. A shift in strategy often requires a shift in values.
The Nokia case explores the connection between values, strategy, and the collaboration, innovation, speed and flexibility that are required for Nokia to succeed. Nokia is a very large company, with one of the highest brand recognitions in the world. It has the rare ability to design a new strategy and reshape its culture to deliver the strategy at the same time. The Nokia case describes Nokia’s social process for achieving alignment on values—a component of corporate culture—across geographies, silos and hierarchical levels.
Review the background materials and evaluate Nokia’s approach from the following perspectives;
1.Why did company management choose values as a foundation for taking the culture to the next level?
2.How do Nokia’s values compare with those of your organization or company?
3.How will Nokia’s values help execute the change in business strategy?
4.What’s your evaluation of the social process for engaging thousands of employees across the globe in defining the values?
5.If Nokia were to use the café process again in today, what change in values would you anticipate?
Prepare a 5- to 6-page paper (not including title page and reference list) that addresses these issues. Include at least 5 library sources to strengthen the discussion. Please upload your paper by the module due date.
Assignment Expectations
Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing upon all of the required background readings and any relevant sources from your prior courses and your own library and Internet research (reputable websites).
Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a “List of References,” and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors.
Address all aspects of the assignment as stated above.
Limit your Internet searching and focus instead on library searches and be sure to bring in information from the background readings.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes, numbered end notes or APA style of referencing.
See “The Trident Guide to the Well-Written Paper” (instruction on writing papers, citing sources, proper referencing, and so forth).