Here are questions for your state bank field trip discussion:
Please write a short report to highlights your field trip experience with the State Bank. A few sentences do not work well for this assignment. You need to describe in details what you have observed and learned from this field trip and then provide your own1) What is the uniqueness about the banking information systems in comparison to many other enterprise information systems? Use knowledge you have learned in CSIS3050 course and conduct some research to do a comparison analysis for this question.2) Why is security crucial for the online banking system? What security features has the state bank been adopted and implemented into their current system?
3) Research on the Internet with other bigger banking systems, such as Chase, Bank of American, Wells Fargo, to compare the similarities and differences between the current banking systems on their security features. Use at least two banking systems to compare your findings. Ideally use a table to present your findings.4) Respond to TWO of your peers postings. I agree or I disagree without any justifications will not grant you any credits, so please prepare your rationale/logic to support your response to others.
State Bank