Paper details:NOTE:1. In the latest SPSS version, set your tables to APA Style.
1. From the data window (spreadsheet), select Edit and then Options from the menu.
2. In the options Menu, click on the Pivot Tables folder.
3. Select the academic style and then click OK. All tables will now be produced using the selected format.
2. Bring your tables into Microsoft Word by:
1. Copying and pasting the table from the output file. Click on the table (a box appears around the table), then press COPY (CTRL C); open an Microsoft Word DOC and press PASTE (CTRL V) and the table will appear in the WORD document.
2. Or, using Export to create an entire Microsoft Word document. Go File >> Export. Then, select Word/RTF file (*.doc)_ as the file type; select “All Objects,” and then click Browse to place the file on your hard drive. Then click OK.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Stat. Application