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” Please respond to the following: • From the case study, determine Staples’ competitive advantage and its current business model. Next, use a brief SWOT analysis to analyze the primary way in which the company executes a strategy for growth based on its SWOT analysis. • From the case study, recommend one (1) future strategy for Staples geared toward delivering better customer service. Next, demonstrate the fundamental manner in which the strategy you recommended could successfully change the shopping experience for the customer.

Classmates responses


From the case study, determine Staples’ competitive advantage and its current business model. Next, use a brief SWOT analysis to analyze the primary way in which the company executives a strategy for growth based on its SWOT analysis.

A competitive advantage allows for a company to have a competitive advantage over competitors by being more profitable than its competitors when competing for the same customers (Hill & Jones, 2013, p. 7). In the case of Staples’ its competitive advantage consists of providing superior customer service, finding its niche in eBusiness, and having a management team that caters not only to its customers but to its own employees as well. Staples’ business model utilizes strategies that work with the competitive advantage, allowing for profits and growth. By carefully analyzing and selecting their customers and knowing their products, they create value and keep happy customers. Evaluating the best places to locate their stores based on selecting cheaper places to build stores and distribution centers, they can provide lower prices on their goods and services. Functioning with lower operating and labor costs allows them to incorporate more profitability into the company. Finding a niche for customers that needed office supplies and starting an eBusiness allowed for new business that hadn’t been thought about at the time which changed the way business was handled and grew Staples’ profitability.

Staples SWOT Analysis Strengths Innovative, looked at an area of consumers that needed services, created a niche and a market Experienced, strong leader in eBusiness and global presence Brand name, well recognized Costs, lower costs than most competitors Happy knowledgeable employees make happy satisfied loyal customers

Weaknesses Differentiation, lacking between products offered by Staples and competitors Markets, lots of variation between markets based on location of stores and lack of stores in some areas

Opportunities Improving markets and locations to acquire new business Offer more unique products that competitors can’t Continually improve eBusiness and grow internationally Obtain more international markets

Threats Competition Economy

By analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats a company can align their business model to the resources to operate within the environment (http://www.youtube.com/).

From the case study, recommend one (1) future strategy for Staples geared toward delivering better customer service. Next, demonstrate the fundamental manner in which the strategy you recommended could successfully change the shopping experience for the customer.

One strategy that could help Staples deliver better customer service would be to work more on their loyalty program. Offering more frequent and better deals to customers would keep people coming back. Offering more technological products that cater to today’s business person that works from home, their car, the road, from anywhere could enhance the customer’s experience with Staples. Having knowledgeable, friendly people to assist customers would also improve the shopping experience. You can have the best product on the market but if you don’t provide great customer service, the consumer will go somewhere else. Providing ease of shopping, shipping, and returning of products would also be important too. Since Staples and their competitors offer pretty much the same products the way to improve customer service and gain a competitive advantage would be to offer great prices and have employees with great attitudes that can cater to the customer and provide them the best customer service. Happy customers equal loyal customers. By analyzing the intended and emergent strategies a company can plan the future business of the company. Focusing on a customer service strategy that can differentiate Staples from a competitor would certainly give them an advantage (Hill & Jones, 2013, p. 31).

Hill, C., & Jones, G. R. (2013). Strategic Management: An integrated approach (10th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage. SWOT Analysis: How to perform one for your organization. (2008, July 28). Retrieved from youtube.com:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNXYl10Po6A.


Staples, Inc. is known for many things but most importantly it’s known as the leading office retailer in the world. Three of their most competitive advantages would be their business model, their excellent management team, and a good balance sheet. Their current business model comprises of their excellent customer service that they adapted a corporate citizenship, also known as Staples Soul. The company explains its motivations here, “Staples Soul is a holistic approach to business that recognizes the close connection between our financial success and our desire to make a positive impact on our associates, communities and the planet. Using a brief SWOT analysis to analyze the primary way in which the company executes a strategy for growth would be. Strengths – Their keen strategy for their new values which requires the store associates to “own it; say it like it is; be caring; keep it simple; and work together. Weaknesses – Online sells are growing with new technology and will continue to grown substantially over time. If they don’t strengthen their online sells they will become victims to Amazons online success. Opportunities –staples as great opportunities for growth and if they focus on a new strategy they will be around for a long time. Threats – as mentioned before online mega monster Amazon continues to come up with innovative ways to sell products online therefore making it more difficult for big box stores to compete.

One recommendation for staples future strategy geared toward delivering better customer services would be will be an online customer services support where if they have any questions they can chat with a live representative and get all their questions answered on the spot. By doing this staples will build a large online fan base where customers will find it easier for them to use their online resources to get the problem resolved. Thus increasing their online line presence they will be able to maximize sells which means greater profits. FrankVoisin. (2012). Staples Inc: A best in class retailer with a growing advantage. Retrieved from http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/02/staples-inc-a-best-in-class-retailer-with-a-growing-advantage-spls-odp-omx/

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